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Applies to: (tick) Kyvos Enterprise  (tick) Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) (tick) Kyvos AWS Marketplace


  • SCOPE MDX function: The SCOPE MDX function writes the scripts on the semantic model design without rebuilding reprocessing a semantic model.
    For more information about the SCOPE function and its syntax, refer to Microsoft Documentation.   

  • DEFAULT_MEMBER MDX function: This function is used to define a default member on a hierarchy. The default member evaluates reports based on thegiven member of the level instead of all members of each level in the respective hierarchy.


Kyvos supports the Default_Member MDX function, which enables you to evaluate reports by considering the specified member instead of all members of the hierarchy.



  • This function is only used to evaluate expressions when a given hierarchy is not included in a query. 

  • From Kyvos 2023.2.1 onwards,  

    • Member functions can be defined in the Default_Member script. See the Supported MDX Functions section for more details. 

    • The Default Member script is now supported for the DAX interface. 

    • If you drag the default member onto the filter shelf in Excel, the data corresponding to the default member is automatically filtered. See the Connection to Excel section. 

For example, if you have dragged the [Measure].[Sum Sales] measure from the Order Date semantic model onto the visualization; you will see the aggregated value. This value considers all members of each hierarchy from every dimension related to this measure. However, when the default member is set for a hierarchy, instead of considering every member of that hierarchy, it will only consider the value of the Default Member.

To create a script using the Default_Members function, perform the following steps.


Alter semantic model [AdventureWorksMF]
Update Dimension [Customer].[Geography],
default_Member = [Customer].[Geography].[Country].&[Canada].firstchild;

If you connect to Excel and drag 'Country' onto the filter shelf, 'Alberta' will be automatically selected as the first child of Canada, as defined in the default member script.
