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Applies to: (tick) Kyvos Enterprise  (error) Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) (error) Kyvos AWS Marketplace




Listener Port

Enter the listener port for BI Server.

JMX Port

Enter the JMX port for BI Server health monitoring.

Work Directory

Enter the directory location on HDFS, where BI Server has access permissions.

Maximum  Heap Memory

Enter the maximum memory available for BI Server.

Additional Java Options

Use this to define custom Java properties for your BI Server.




Thrift Listener Port

Enter the thrift listener port for Query Engine

JMX Port

Enter the port for Query Engine health monitoring.

Maximum  Heap Memory

Enter the maximum memory for Query Engine.

Off Heap Memory

Enter the maximum memory available to Query Engine for cuboid caching.

Additional Java Options

Use this to define custom Java properties for your Query Engine.


Select this checkbox to launch Query Engines using the Hadoop application master.

NOTE: If this option is not selected, you MUST mention the Query Engine nodes at the time of node mapping . Also, you can configure multiple instances of Query Engine.

YARN Job Name

Provide the YARN job name on which the application has to be submitted.

YARN Queue Name

Provide the YARN queue name on which the application has to be submitted.

Application Master Cores and Memory 

Enter virtual cores to be used by Application Master

Enter memory to be used by Application Master

Application Master Log Path 

Provides the logs of the Application Master

Application Master Schedule 

Select a day(s) and time to restart the Application Master

Query Engine Operation Mode

Select the Count Based or Host Based option.

Query Engine Host Names

Enter a comma-separated list of hostnames where the YARN-based Query Engine will be deployed. Follow the Hostnames by instance count separated by a colon.

Example: host-1:1,host-2:3

Query Engine Instance Count

Enter the number of Query Engine instances to be launched.

Container Cores and Memory

Enter the number of virtual cores to be used by Kyvos Query Engine.

Enter the memory to be used by Kyvos Query Engine.

Query Engine Log Path

Enter the path for saving Query Engine logs. Ensure that the path exists on data nodes, and the user (with which YARN containers are launched) has write permissions on this path.

Logs Sync Interval

Enter the time interval for syncing Query Engine logs on HDFS.

YARN Job Name

Enter a name for the YARN job.

Enable Query Engine Auto Scaling

Select this check box to enable automatic scaling of the Kyvos Query Engine.

Query Engine Minimum Instance Count

Provide a count of the number of Query Engines that should be running in scale-down mode.

Query Engine Minimum Instance Names

Provide a comma-separated list of hostnames on which Query Engines will be running in scale-down mode. This is displayed only when auto-scaling of Query Engines is enabled.

Query Engine Instance Names

Select the Query Engine instance to be used from the list. This is displayed only when auto scaling of Query Engines is enabled.

Additional Query Engine Instance Names

Enter additional minimum Query Engine hostnames (if any). This is displayed only when auto scaling of Query Engines is enabled.

Scale Up Time

Enter the time in HH:MM format at which the Query Engine will be scaled up. Ensure that the correct time zone is displayed.

Scale Down Time

Enter the time in HH:MM format at which the Query Engine will be scaled down. Ensure that the correct time zone is displayed.

Application Master Restart Style

If Hadoop is running in secure mode, select Never or Fix Schedule so that the Application Master can get the Kerberos ticket.

If selecting the Fix Schedule option, select the time and days to restart the Application Master automatically.


Web Portal High Availability Configuration 

The checkbox is always disabled.

It will be automatically selected when multiple web portals are selected and High Availability configurations fields are displayed. 




Enable Session Management

Select to enable Tomcat-based session management. Do not select this for cloud clusters with a load balancer configured for Web Portal HA.
This option is recommended for On-Premise clusters (e.g., node-1 or http://node-1:80 ).

Multicast Address

Specify the multicast IP address that will be used for multi-casting messages to all web portal IP/Hostname. It is a logical identifier for a group of hosts in a computer network that is available for processing. Read more

Multicast Port

Enter the multicast port to be used for sending multicast messages.

Receiver Port

Enter the port that will be used as the receiver port





Select the Kyvos bundle to be installed. Kyvos Manager contains compatible Kyvos bundles. To use any other Kyvos version, click the Upload button.

Cuboid Replication Type

Select any of the following options.

  • Local: Copies both metadata and cuboids from HDFS/cloud-based file systems (like S3, ABFS, GS) to the path specified in the Cube Semantic model Local Path field.

  • NFS: Copies both metadata and cuboids to the Network file system (NFS ), like EFS.

  • None: Select this option if replication is not needed. No cuboids are copied to the local system. Copies only the metadata to the configured local disk

  • Secondary HDFS: Copies only cuboids from HDFS/cloud-based file systems (like S3, ABFS, GS) to the path specified in the Secondary HDFS Name Node field.

Semantic Model Local Path

Enter the semantic model local path where cuboids will be copied. For multiple paths, enter a semicolon-separated list. The user must have full permissions on the parent of the local cube semantic model path.

NFS Cache Path

Enter the location for the NFS cache. The user must have full permissions on the parent of the shared semantic model path.

Secondary HDFS Name Node

Enter the Secondary HDFS Name Node path for use as shared storage.

Enable Kyvos Services HA

Select the checkbox to enable high availability mode for the Kyvos service. This will ensure Kyvos services are always up and running. The Kyvos Manager will automatically restart them in case any service goes down.

Start Kyvos Services

Select the check box to start Kyvos services after cluster deployment automatically.
