Function | Description |
Sum | Calculates the sum |
Average | Calculates the average |
Count | Calculates the count |
DistinctCount | Calculates the count of distinct or unique values. You can select an approximate or accurate count type and specify the field to count on. Accurate distinct count increases the accuracy, but it also increases the computation memory needed and the cube semantic model size. If the value doesn't repeat across partitions, you are prompted to change the partitioning strategy. |
Minimum | Calculates the minimum |
Maximum | Calculates the maximum |
You must use a Time dimension when selecting the following semi-additive measures: | |
FirstChild | Displays the first child record |
LastChild | Displays the last child record |
FirstNonEmptyChild | Displays the first child record that has a value in an ordered dataset |
LastNonEmptyChild | Displays the last child record that has a value in a dataset |