Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • TopN

  • BottomN

  • List criteria: Is, is not, starts with, starts with (match case), contains, contains (match case), ends with, ends with (match case), is not in the list, is in the list, is blank, is not blank, is in the top, is in the bottom.

  • Numeric criteria: equal to, less than, less than, or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, is in between.

  • Date criteria: Is, is not, is in the list, is not in the list, is after, is before, is before or equal to, is after or equal to, is between, is in last, is in next, is in this, is to date, is in the top, is in the bottom. You can apply date filter to a worksheet using the calendar date or calculated date.

    • In the calculated date, you can set the first date, last date or set the custom date to apply filter to a worksheet.

      • First date: The initial or start date present in the data.

      • Last date: The end date present in the data.

      • Custom date: Enter number of days after or before the selected date criteria.



You cannot modify the criteria in simple and complex filters (such as Cohort and Contextual TopN) if editing is not allowed from the Sheet and Filter Widget.
