Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This event would be emitted when custom action menu item has been clicked.


{"msgId": "",
"msgName": This event will be triggered when a custom action menu item is clicked.


Code Block
{"msgId": "",
"msgName": "kyvos.viewer.onCustomActionMenuItemClicked", "payload": {


"info": { "status": "",


"desc": "",


"extDesc": "", "code": 0




"data": { "wbId": "",


"wbName": "",


"dbId": "",


"dbName": "",


"widgetId": "",


"widgetTitle": "",


"widgetType": "",


"contextMenuItemdata": {


"paramObj": {


"title": ""




"text": "",


"id": "",


"mode": ""




"widgetInfo": { "sheetId": "",


"sheetName": "", "sheetCube": {


"cubeId": "",


"cubeName": "",


"folderName": ""




"sheetVizType": ""



Points to



  1. The HostApp will get " wbId", " wbName", " dbId", " dbName", " widgetId", " widgetType", " widgetTitle", " widgetType", and " contextMenuItems " as mentioned in integration jsonJSON file.
  2. In the case of Open Source,, the Host App will get additional information according to the card type i.e. when open source is clicked for Data Card, Host App will also get " widgetInfo" , which will contain " sheetId", " sheetName", " cubeId", " cubeName", " folderName" , and " sheetVizType".


Code Block
{"msgId": "16913418621956127087025163435352",


"msgName": "kyvos.viewer.onCustomActionMenuItemClicked", "payload": {


"info": {


"status": "success",


"desc": "",


"extDesc": "", "code": 0




"data": {


"wbId": "Workbook16842178832565127033087167053647",


"wbName": "DEMO_WorkbookUseInIntegration",


"dbId": "Dashboard16893606990655127026012185960065",


"dbName": "Dashboard 1",


"widgetId": "dbwidget16893607023079127041061176691467",


"widgetTitle": "Sheet 1", "widgetType": "SHEET", "contextMenuItemdata": {


"paramObj": {


"title": "Open Source"




"text": "Open Source", "id": "Open_Source",


"mode": ""




"widgetInfo": {


"sheetId": "Sheet16842178908821127078040126946442",


"sheetName": "Sheet 1", "sheetCube": {


"cubeId": "15639500788366127066047191013171",


"cubeName": "Order Date Built", "folderName": ""




"sheetVizType": "BAR"}}}}