Parameter/Field | Remarks/Description |
Create VNET | Select this checkbox to create a new virtual network with the deployment. |
Create Security Group | Select this checkbox to create a new Network Security Group with the deployment. |
Virtual machine(s) for BI Server | You cannot clear this check box. Here define:
Virtual machine(s) for Query Engine | Select this option to create virtual machines for Kyvos query engines, and define:
Web portal high availability | Select to enable Kyvos web portal high availability.
Virtual machine for Kyvos ManagerSelect | Clear this option to launch a virtual machine for Kyvos Manager, and select the Instance Type from the list. When using a multi-tenant environment, you can use the Deploy as Tenant checkbox to define a tenant instance for Kyvos Manager. Enable this option to deploy the cluster as a tenant. If enabled, you will see an input for the Management Console URL in the Template parameters, which manages all the tenants. Select any one of the following Repository: Bundled Postgres : To select bundled Postgres as a repository for Kyvos Manager. Create New Azure Postgres : To create a new external Azure Postgres repository for Kyvos Manager. if you create a stack for the wizard-based deployment. |
External Repository for Kyvos | Select to create a PostgreSQL-based repository using Azure. Otherwise, the pre-bundled PostgreSQL-based Kyvos repository will be used.
Create Storage Account | Select this option to create ABFS Account and Container for storing Kyvos output, and define:
Enhance Storage Account High Availability | Select this checkbox to create Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS). |
Kyvos cluster and Databricks cluster will be in same network or in peered network | Select this checkbox if your Kyvos cluster nodes and Databricks cluster are either in the same network or shared using VPC peering. NOTE: If this checkbox is not selected, an API gateway method will be created and used for communication between the Databricks cluster and Kyvos BI Server. |
Kyvos Cluster Deployment with Load Balancer | The checkbox is selected by default if Web Portal high availability is enabled, or if a non-peered network exists between Kyvos and Databricks, the Kyvos cluster will be deployed with a load balancer. NOTE: If Web Portal high availability is not enabled, or if a peered network exists between Kyvos and Databricks, the Kyvos cluster will not be deployed with a load balancer. In this case, the checkbox is selected, but you can also clear it as per the requirement. |
Use Custom Image | Select this option to use a custom image of your environment for deploying the Kyvos cluster. Custom images can be used to bootstrap deployment tasks like preloading applications, application configurations, and other configurations. NOTE:
Deploy with Enhanced Security | Enhanced security enables advanced security for Storage Accounts, Key Vaults, and Virtual machines. |
Credit based deployment | Select this option if you want to use credit-based licensing and your environment does not have pre-created credit information-related resources. |
Databricks Authentication | Select the authentication type for the Databricks cluster from:
NOTE: Post deployment of the cluster, you can change the Databricks Authentication type from the Databricks page on Kyvos Manager.
Release Type Preferences | Select Kyvos Release as General Availability (GA) and Alpha. |