You can configure and specify the free space requirement for all the required partitions.
The diskValidationsMetadata.json file contains the disk partition details specifying which partitions need to be checked. If any manual configuration is required, the file is located at kyvosmanagerdata/server/userpreferences/.
The configuration is hot deployable, which means after the file is uploaded, all applicable operations where this disk partition check is involved, the newly applied changes in the file will be considered.
If When the disk partition space check fails , this indicates the required amount of free space on the partitions, as specified in the diskValidationsMetadata.json file, is unavailable. You can still due to any of the following reasons, and you still want to continue with the operation. The process will not fail; instead, it will change , you need to configure the value of the key continueOnPartitionFreeSpaceCheckFailures property (in the Kyvos.json file from continueOnPartitionFreeSpaceCheckFailures ) from false to true. This key determines whether the operation proceeds even if the partition disk check fails
1 Disk space validation file missing
2 Partition space is insufficient for any partitions mentioned in the file.
3 Any error in per node free disk space calculation after Step-1 and Step-2 are satisfied.
For example,Code Block { "partitions": { "/var": { "freeSpace": "2G", "type": "absolute" }, "/run": { "freeSpace": "96", "type": "percent" } } }