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Applies to: (tick) Kyvos Enterprise  (tick) Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) (tick) Kyvos AWS Marketplace


  • General Information

    • Job type

    • Job Number

    • Size on disk

    • Semantic Model Process time or Total time is taken (how long it took to process the semantic model)

    • Completion Time (date and time at which the semantic model process was completed)

    • Status: Success, Failed, or Partial Success. 
      In case of a partially successful job, the Measure Datasets which are not processed are marked as Partially Processed, and the dataset containing invalid rows is marked as [Invalid] .

      • From Kyvos 2023.3 onwards, the Update Aggregate build will display a progress bar. This progress bar shows the status of the processed cuboids, elapsed time, and percentage of the processed cuboids.
      • With the Kyvos 2023.1 release onwards, d uring the Update Aggregate build, if some cuboids are successful and others fail, the build is marked as a Partial Success with the percentage of successful cuboids displayed on the Job Summary. Additionally, the newly created cuboid is now marked as browsable.
        You can also view the log details of the input cuboid versus the output cuboid along with Measure Datasets by using theDownload Logs option. 
  • Build Inputs is displayed in the Summary only in case of incremental build and shows:

    • Process - All Newer Data, Only Fact Adjustments

    • Replace partition - None, Auto

  • Physical view

    • Dimensions along with metadata size, hierarchy, levels, and attributes (if present)
      Additionally, the summary also shows if there are any parent-child relationships, alternate paths, or custom rollups in the hierarchies

    • Dimension count with types, such as regular dimension or time type dimension. In the case of the time type dimension, the hierarchy type, such as pre-defined hierarchy or custom time hierarchy is also shown.

    • Additionally, the summary also shows SCD member count

    • Count of distinct members/dimension

    • Count of rows read in from a file

    • Measures along with metadata size, functions used, IsAdjusted tag (in case of fact adjustment incremental build) 

  • Partition strategy shows updated partition information (if Replace Partitions option is selected) and sliding window data dropped information (if new data is added and older deleted)

  • Details is displayed in the summary only in the case of update aggregates build and show the status and which partitions are updated, typically All. 

  • Aggregation strategy shows details for aggregation strategy mode, precompute level threshold, and selective hierarchy materialization. C lick Show Aggregates to view the details of each aggregate in a separate tab.

  • Advanced Properties

    • Modified properties

    • Inherited properties

    • Default properties 

  • Cuboid details, including cuboid count, size information, and total cuboid summary

  • Time Information shows how long it took for:

    • Data transformation (to calculate transformations)

    • Create build cluster

    • Extract test data

  • Miscellaneous i nformation information such as semantic model metadata size, Server version, and so on.

  • Errors or warnings if any
