Athena as SQL Engine: Kyvos now supports Athena connection for no-Spark (both Shared Query Engine and Kubernetes) to process semantic models.
Kubernetes Instance Type Change for All Clouds: Users can now change the instance type for the Kubernetes cluster node pool for all cloud deployments (AWS, Azure, and GCP).
Kyvos Native Support on AWS Managed Services: Kyvos now supports processing semantic model with no-Spark using the shared Query Engine and dedicated Kubernetes cluster on AWS Managed Services.
Kyvos Native Support for Terraform-Based Deployment in GCP: Kyvos now supports processing semantic model with no-spark using shared Query Engine and Kubernetes cluster for automated deployment Terraform-based deployment in GCP.
Semantic model process enhancements: Kyvos now brings the following semantic model process enhancements using the Kyvos compute cluster:
Resume failed or canceled semantic model process.
Run test data semantic model process job.
Kyvos now supports the following SQL Ranking and Analytical Window functions.
Ranking Window Functions: (ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK(),PERCENT_RANK(), and NTILE() )
Analytical Window Functions: (CUME_DIST (), NTH_VALUE (), FIRST_VALUE (),LAST_VALUE() )
The Offset, Lag, and Lead SQL functions are also supported.