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Applies to: (tick) Kyvos Enterprise  (error) Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) (error) Kyvos AWS Marketplace




Create VNET

Select this checkbox to create a new virtual network with the deployment. 
NOTE: All the required network resources, such as Virtual Network, Subnets, and Network Security Group will be created. 

Create Security Group

Select this checkbox to create a new Network Security Group with the deployment. 

Virtual machine(s) for BI Server

You cannot clear this check box. Here define:

  • Number of Node(s)

  • Instance Type

Virtual machine(s) for Query Engine

Select this option to create virtual machines for Kyvos Query Engines, and define:

  • Number of Node(s)

  • Instance Type

  • Storage Disk

  • Disk Type

Web portal high availability

Select to enable Kyvos web portal high availability.
If you select this, you need to provide the following:

  • Number of nodes

  • Instance Type

  • Subnet for Load Balancer - Currently, only Public is supported.

Virtual machine for Kyvos Manager

Select this option to launch a virtual machine for Kyvos Manager, and select the Instance Type from the list. 
NOTE: This option will be displayed only in the case of automated deployment.

  • When using a multi-tenant environment, you can use the  Deploy as Tenant checkbox to define a tenant instance for Kyvos Manager. Enable this option to deploy the cluster as a tenant. If enabled, you will see an input for the Management Console URL in the Template parameters, which manages all the tenants.

  • Select any one of the following Repository: 

    • Bundled Postgres : To select bundled Postgres as a repository for Kyvos Manager. 

    • Create New Azure Postgres : To create a new external Azure Postgres repository for Kyvos Manager. 

    • Use Existing Azure Postgres : To use the existing external Azure Postgres repository for Kyvos Manager. 

External Repository for Kyvos

Select to create a PostgreSQL-based repository using Azure. Otherwise, the pre-bundled PostgreSQL-based Kyvos repository will be used.

  • Select any one of the following Repository: 

    • Bundled Postgres : To select bundled Postgres as a repository for Kyvos Manager. 

    • Create New Azure Postgres : To create a new external Azure Postgres repository for Kyvos Manager. 

    • Use Existing Azure Postgres : To use the existing external Azure Postgres repository for Kyvos Manager.

Create Storage Account

Select this option to create ABFS Account and Container for storing Kyvos output, and define:

  • Storage Name Prefix

  • Container Name Prefix

Compute cluster

Select one of the following options from the Compute Cluster Type list.

  • Databricks: To deploy Kyvos using Azure databricks.

  • Kyvos Native: To deploy Kyvos using Kubernetes.

NOTE: If you select the Kyvos Native option from the Compute Cluster Type list, you will see the Kyvos Native Type.

  • Kyvos Native Type: Select Kubernetes or Shared Query Engine.

Enhance Storage Account High Availability

Select this checkbox to create Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS).

Kyvos cluster and Databricks cluster will be in same network or in peered network

Select this checkbox if your Kyvos cluster nodes and Databricks cluster are either in the same network or shared using VPC peering. 

NOTE: If this checkbox is not selected, an API gateway method will be created and used for communication between the Databricks cluster and Kyvos BI Server. 

Kyvos Cluster Deployment with Load Balancer 

The checkbox is selected by default if Web Portal high availability is enabled, or if a non-peered network exists between Kyvos and Databricks, the Kyvos cluster will be deployed with a load balancer.

NOTE: If Web Portal high availability is not enabled, or if a peered network exists between Kyvos and Databricks, the Kyvos cluster will not be deployed with a load balancer. In this case, the checkbox is selected, but you can also clear it as per the requirement. 

Use Custom Image

Select this option to use a custom image of your environment for deploying the Kyvos cluster. Custom images can be used to bootstrap deployment tasks like preloading applications, application configurations, and other configurations. 
You will have to provide information for Gallery Name, Gallery Image Definition Name, and Gallery Image Version Name at the time of deploying the cluster through the ARM template.


  • To use your custom image, templates named bi_custom.json, qe_custom.json, and km_custom.json must exist at $KYVOS_MANAGER_HOME/cloud/azure/templates/ location.

  • For using Custom Image, Kyvos supports using only customer-provided Images for CentOS 7, RHEL 7, and RHEL 8.   

    • Python 2 is required as a prerequisite for CentOS 7 and RedHat 7 Images  

    • Python 3 is required as a prerequisite for RedHat 8 AMIs and CentOS 8 Images  

  • To ensure proper functionality of Kyvos Manager and Kyvos, all required operating system commands must be present in the Custom Image machine.
    See the OS commands  section section for more details.

Deploy with Enhanced Security

Enhanced security enables advanced security for Storage Accounts, Key Vaults, and Virtual machines.

Credit Based Deployment

Select this option if you want to use credit-based licensing and your environment does not have pre-created credit information-related resources.

Databricks Authentication 

Select the authentication type for the Databricks cluster from:

  • AAD Token Using Managed Identity: This option is supported only with premium workspace.

  • Personal Access Token

NOTE: Post deployment of the cluster, you can change the Databricks Authentication type from the Databricks page on Kyvos Manager.

  • W hen switching from AAD to PAT, you need to provide personal access token, which is saved as a secret in your Azure Key Vault and is read from there for authentication purposes. For this:

    • Go to Key Vault Secret.

    • Add  KYVOS -DATABRICKS-SERVICE-TOKEN-DefaultHadoopCluster01 and provide DB token value and click Save.

  • When switching from AAD to PAT, you need to Configure Managed Identity in Azure Databricks .

Release Type Preferences

Select Kyvos Release as General Availability (GA) and Alpha.




To access the Usage Dashboard, you need to provide permissions after completing the deployment.

If you have deployed the cluster with  Web Portal HA, you can enable TLS for Web Portal using Post Deployment steps listed here.

Flexible Server details for Kyvos and Kyvos Manager Repository
