Once set, Category ID and scope (Public / Private options) cannot be changed.
Application allows to change Category Menu Name and Hidden property of the selected category. To make changes in category information, you need to be owner of the category, user having owneran empty category. g Category Setup rights, Super Administrator or Administrator.
You can delete a category if it is empty. To delete a category including and its contents, select the Delete Cascade checkbox.
Click the Remove button to delete the selected category.
Use this page to carry out the following report-related operations:
Deploy a report
Copy, Move, or Copy-link a report
Change details of the deployed report
Delete a report or a linked report
Click the object selector, then navigate to the desired folder, and select a report. When you navigate to a folder and click a report listed there, the name and other properties of the selected report will be displayed.
You can browse a Report File to select an existing IRL file to create a report.
A report has a Report Name (unique across the category) and a Report ID (unique across the repository). The Report Name is visible in all the dialogs and pages where the report is listed. When you deploy the report, application by default generates a unique Report ID. To specify it manually, clear the System Generated checkbox.
Content provided in the Description is displayed at all the places where the report name is listed.
A Public report is available to all the users.
A Private report is available only to the owner. To deploy a report as Public, you need to login into the application using Super Administrator ID, Administrator ID or using the ID that has Category Setup rights.
Select the Hidden checkbox when you don’t want users to access it directly. A hidden report is not listed in any of the dialogs and pages (except Manage Folders and Reports page). Mark a report as hidden when you don’t want users to access it directly. For example, a report that is used as sub-report and executed from within a report.
Text in Design Mode indicates if the report was designed using Web Studio or Ad hoc Report Wizard.