Important From Kyvos 2024.11 release onwards, you can configure Application Gateway from different resource group. To fetch the Application Gateway from different Resource Group, Kyvos Managed Identity has the Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/read permission on Application gateway To scale BI Server and Web Portal nodes in Azure Marketplace, the network interface attached to the existing BI Server and Web Portal nodes must be in the same resource group as the BI Server, Web Portal and other resources. If the network interface attached to the BI Server and Web Portal machines exist in a resource group other than the BI Server and Web Portal machine's resource group, assign the Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action permission to MI (Managed Identity) over VN (Virtual Network) by creating a custom role. For Azure Enterprise, create a custom role with the required permissions. While creating a custom role, add the Resource IDs for the following services in the assignable scope: Once the custom role is created, it must be assigned to each of the above listed services.