Automated deployment: In this method, you can deploy Kyvos using the following methods:
/wiki/spaces/KD202411/pages/268637401: Deploying the Kyvos Manager allows you to download a template, which, when executed on the Azure portal, creates the resources required for cluster creation and deployment. After the creation of these resources, you can continue with deployment through the Azure portal. Kyvos also supports Automated Kyvos deployment with CDP on Azure .
Deploying Kyvos through Template Specs: In this method, you can deploy Kyvos on Azure Automated deployment with Kyvos Native: In this method, you can deploy Kyvos with No-Spark and select a compute engine to process semantic models.
Wizard-based deployment: In this method, the Kyvos Manager allows you to use a wizard that will help to deploy a cluster using any of the following options.
Cluster deployment using resources that are part of the Stack that was /wiki/spaces/KD202411/pages/268638285 or deploying Kyvos through Azure Template Specs.
Cluster deployment using resources that are created by the user without any stack.
through Template Specs.