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In IntellicusKyvos Reporting, a report gets retrieves its data by running executing pre-prepared query objects.   If a query needs a user input at run time, it must have A query must include a user-defined parameter associated with it.  The values of input parameters are taken from the user if it requires user input at runtime. The user provides these input parameters while running the report.


Key Points:

  • It is


  • recommended that all required parameter objects


  • be designed before


  • creating a query object that


  • utilizes them.

  • Since parameters are stored in the repository, they can be


  • reused across multiple reports and query objects.

  • Query Objects have


  • connection details, access rights


  • , and more attributes.

  • To create and save a Parameter Object


  • within a specific category,


  • users must have Read and Write permissions for Parameter Objects in that category


  • .