Login to the AWS console.
Navigate to RDS. On the RDS page, click Databases in the left pane.
On the Databases page, click Create database.
Create a new Database instance as per the below settings:
Use Postgres version 13.5.
Provide the name of the DB Database Instance.
Provide the Master username as kmdbuser for the Kyvosmanager Kyvos Manager DB Instance.
Provide a password for the Database. (use default password kyvosmanager#123)
Use db.t3.large as the instance type for the KM DB instance.
Specify the Storage.
Create a new security group.
Expand the Additional configuration and change the port from 5432 to 45421.
Provide the database name as kmrepo.
Kyvos Manager RDS Creation and Migration
To create RDS, perform steps from 1 to 3 as mentioned in the ‘Creating Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)’ section.
Use database name as delverepo.
Use the database user name as postgres.
Use the same security group that is created for the Kyvos Manager RDS.
Port will be same as 45421.
To take the Database dump for Kyvos Database:
Navigate to /data/kyvos/app/postgres/bin/
Execute the following below commands:
./pg_dump -c -C --host=localhost --port=45421 --dbname=delverepo --user=postgres--file /tmp/delverepo.sqlValidate that the created file must have content.
Restore the Kyvos database dump using the following command:
./psql -U postgres -p 5432 -h cbre-kyvos.ctdjrop6598x.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -d delverepo -f /tmp/delverepo.sqlOnce done, connect to Kyvos RDS using the following commands and make sure the database is restored.
./psql -h <endpoint_of_kyvos_RDS> -p 45421 -U postgres -d delverepo \dt+Once done, navigate to Kyvos Manager > Utilities > Manage Kyvos Repository.
Click External repository.
Provide the repository identifier and click Fetch. It will automatically fill the details.
Click Test.
Once the test connection is successful, click Save.