Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  •  Show tips or guidelines: This command would show the best practices to use for using conversational analytics to get for better accuracy. 
    Examples-For examples:   

    • Show tips 

    • Give me guidelines for using Kyvos Dialogues Dialogues. 

    • Provide general system guidelines guidelines. 

  • Show Metadata: This command would show all the details related to a semantic model which includes SM , including the Semantic model logical view along with and the description of different fields present in SMthe semantic model
    Examples - For examples:

    • Show metadata 

    • Give me a description of the fields used used. 

    • Give me details about the semantic model model. 

  • Show supported commands: List of support currently supported. 
    Examples -For examples: 

    • Give me the command list list. 

    • Supported command details 

    • What are the different commands I can execute 

  1. Clear the chat or conversation in view. 
    Examples -For examples:  

    • Clear the chat 

    • Clear all messages 

    • Empty chat area   


It includes commands related to different viz settingsettings, which are as follows- 

  • Change the visualization or chart type. 
    Examples-For examples: 

    • Change chart type to Bar chart 

    • Show tree map 

    • Change to area 

  • Change the chart type of a particular metric. 
    Examples-For examples: 

    • Show Sales as a line chart chart. 

    • Present Profit as dot plot 

  • Move the measure to the left/right or top/bottom axis. 
    Examples- For examples:

    • Move sales to the left and profit to the right axis. 

    • Shift sales and profit to the top. 

    • Move all measures to the left axis. 

    • Move to the top axis – If All visible measures will shift if no measures are specified, then it will shift all visible measures

  • Show or hide data label labels for a specific metric. 
    Examples- For examples:

    • Show data label for sales. 

    • Hide values for all measures. 

    • Show values – If no measures are specified, then it will show values for all visible measures. 

    • Turn on data labels – If no measures are specified, then it will show values for all visible measures. 

  • Change the highlight color for the field. 
    Examples- For examples:

    • Change the highlight color to red for country the country. 

    • Change the highlight color to blue – If no fields are specified, then it will change the color of all highlighted fields will be changed

Data specific commands

It includes those command commands which change the data in a visualization, which are as follows- 

  • Change max rows to ‘X’ number. 
    Examples-For examples: 

    • Change max row to 5  

    • Show a maximum of 12 rows rows. 

  • Highlight Fields 
    Examples-For examples: 

    • Highlight country countries where sales are above 20000, and profit is below 10000 

    • Highlight profit where it is higher than cost cost. 

  • Remove highlighting- 
    Examples-For examples: 

    • Remove highlighting from Sales the Sales. 

    • Discard complete highlighting - If no fields are specified, then it will remove highlight the highlight will be removed from all highlighted fields. 

    • Remove highlighting – If no fields are specified, then it will remove highlighting highlighting will be removed from all highlighted fields. 


  • Users can execute multiple viz setting commands in a single question.
    For example-examples: 

    • Show sales as a line chart and move it to the right axis. 

    • Move sales and discount discounts to the bottom axis and to show values for sales and hide labels for discount discounts. 

    • Change the highlight color to blue and , move sales to the right axis, and show sales as an area chart chart. 

    • Show the area chart and show the data label for sales. 

  • Users can execute multiple data-specific commands in a single question.
    For example-examples: 

    • Highlight the Country where sales are above 20000 and remove the highlight on profit. 

    • Remove the Highlight on the country and highlight the country starts starting with ‘A’ in blue color

  • Executing a business query with a generic command will allow the business query to run, but the command part will be ignored. The results of the business query will be displayed in the view, while the UI will show an error message for the command part that could not be executed.
    For example- examples:

    • Show category-wise sales and clear the conversation conversation. 

    • What are the top 10 city cities by profit and ? also include , including the command list. 

  • Executing a viz setting command along with a business query will work.
    For example- examples:

    • Show category-wise sales as an area chart. 

    • What are the top 10 countries by profit, and show a profit as the right axis.? 

  • Users can execute business queries along with and the max row command from data specific commands categorythe category of the specific command
    For example- examples:

    • Give me the monthly sales trend for 2013 and show a max of 20 rows only. 

  • Users can execute viz setting commands along with and the max row command from the data-specific commands category.
    For example- examples:

    • Move sales to the top axis and change the highlight color for the country to red. 

    • Show values for all measures and change the max row to 20. 

Unsupported Commands 

  • Executing multiple generic commands in a single question is not supported. An error will be displayed on the UI if the user tries to do so.
    For example- examples:

    • Show tips and include the command list list. 

    • Show metadata info and clear the chat chat. 

  • Users will see an error on the UI if they attempt to execute data-specific commands or visualization-setting commands alongside generic commands.
    For example- examples:

    • Move sales to the right axis and clear the conversation conversation. 

    • Show values for sales and show metadata details. 

  • Execution of highlighting commands with business query queries or any other command is not supported, and users will see incorrect results if tries to do so.
    For example- examples:

    • What are the top 10 country by profit and highlight country where sales are positive and profit profits are negative  

    • Highlight the category where sales are greater than exceed profit and , move sales to the right axis, and show its their values. 

Tips or Guidelines for Using Highlighting Commands- 

  • Users can highlight data points based on multiple conditions, and these conditions include only those fields that are visible in the current view.
    For example-examples: 

    • Highlight category where sales are above 2000 and discount is lower than profit values and Country is USA. 

  • Users can apply multiple conditions using both 'and' and 'or' relationships.
    For example-examples: 

    • Highlight sales where it is below 3000 or above profit values in green color. 

  • Users can highlight multiple fields simultaneously in a single question.
    For example: Let’s say the user is currently viewing country and category values by sales and profit. To highlight multiple fields simultaneously user can execute -  

  • Highlight country where sales are above 50000 in green and category where profits are negative. Above will highlight all countries where sales are above 50K in green color and highlight all categories data points where profit values are negative. 

  • If highlighting is applied on a field and, in the subsequent question, the user requests to apply highlighting on the same field again with different conditions, as a result highlighting will be combined, and the data will be highlighted with both sets of conditions applied. 

  • If no color is specified in the question, the default color will be green for positive values and red for negative values. 

  • To apply highlighting on a numeric field, use criteria's such as is, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, between, or other similar comparisons.  

  • To apply highlighting on a character field, use criteria's such as is, is not, is in the list, is not in the list, starts with, ends with, contains, is blank, is not blank or other similar comparisons. 

  • To remove highlights on any field users can execute below set of commands or something similar.
    For example- examples:

    • Remove highlighting on country. 

    • Remove highlighting – If no field is specified, highlighting will be cleared from all highlighted fields. 

  • Users can also change the highlight color via natural language command.
    For example- examples:

    • Change highlight color to red for Category 

    • Change highlight color to green – If no field is specified, then color will be changed for all highlighted fields. 

  • To update or modify highlighting on any field, users can execute below set of commands or something similar.
    For example- examples:

    • Modify highlight on country where sales are above 2000 

    • Update highlight on sales which is below avg sales value.