Certified Providers and supported Operating Systems for Kyvos Analytical Store
The Kyvos 2025.1 2 is certified to work on the following provider and OS versions with Kyvos Analytical Store.
Kyvos Modern Architecture No-Spark
The Kyvos 2025.1 2 is certified to work on the following platforms with the specified deployment scope and supported sources using Kyvos Modern Architecture No-Spark.
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Note From Kyvos 2024.9 release onwards, for fresh deployment on cloud with Kyvos Native (Kubernetes or Shared Query Engines, the JRE 17.0.12" 2024-07-16 LTS version is used. The following Kubernetes machine configurations are supported: machines with 64GB of memory or more. AWS: m5.4xlarge (16 core and 64GB memory) Azure: Standard_D16s_v4 (64GB memory) GCP: n2-standard-16 (64GB memory)
You can install Kyvos 2024.10 on any of the following clusters. RHEL 8.6 is supported from Kyvos 2023.1 onwards for AWS and Azure. The supported Kubernetes version for: AWS: 1.29 Azure: 1.29.9 GCP: 1.29
Kyvos 2025.1 2 release is supported on the following on-premises clusters.
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Note Cuboid replication types – Local, None, are certified with CDH (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop) and CDP clusters. |
Kyvos 2025.1 2 release is supported on the following AWS cluster.
Property | Value |
spark.sql.caseSensitive | false |
spark.hadoop.spark.sql.caseSensitive | false |
Read more: Supported AWS Configurations for Kyvos 2025.12
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Important Cuboid replication type – Local and S3 are supported for Amazon EMR Clusters. Recommended replication type is Local. From Kyvos 2024.3 onwards, the Postgres version is upgraded to 16.3 for both new deployments and upgrades. The Postgres version 13.11 is approaching its end of life (EOL). Support of RDS with TLS is not certified. Graviton instances are only supported for AWS EMR clusters. From Kyvos 2023.2 onwards, AWS EMR clusters will be created using Graviton-based instances by default. To support Graviton for Kyvos resources, manually replace the JRE for Kyvos and Kyvos Manager with a Graviton-compatible JRE. Alternatively, users can contact Kyvos support to create a customized Graviton setup, including Graviton-compatible JREs. This setup is available on-demand but requires manual updating of the path for the setup bundle in the generated CFT template that is generated from the Kyvos Manager Wizard.
Kyvos 2025.1 2 release is supported on the following Azure clusters.
Platform | Provider version | Deployment mode | File source | Execution engine | Security |
Databricks | 10.4 LTS | Non-YARN | ABFS | Spark 3.4 | |
Databricks | 14.3 LTS | Non-YARN | ABFS | Spark 3.4 | |
Read more: Supported Azure Configurations for Kyvos 2025.12
To use Databricks 10.4 LTS, you must update the following properties in Databricks Advance Properties.
Google Cloud Platform
Kyvos 2025.1 2 release is supported on the following Google Cloud Platform clusters.
Platform | Provider version | Deployment mode | Hadoop | File source | Execution engine | Cluster security |
Dataproc | 2.1.11-debian11 | Non-YARN | v3.2 | GFS | Spark 3.4 | No |
Read more: Supported GCP Configurations for Kyvos 2025.12
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Important Dataproc version 2.1.11-debian 11 with Livy is supported. RHEL8 and Ubuntu 20.04 are supported from Kyvos 2023.5 onwards for Google Cloud Platform. Cuboid replication type - Local and GS are supported. You need to deploy the Zookeeper service on the BI Server node. Recommended replication type is Local. GCP Dataproc is only certified with non-preemptible VM instances. To work with Dataproc 2.0, you need to add the property dataproc.yarn.logs.path.version to the Default Hadoop Connection properties.