Parameter | Description |
createVPC | Set the value as true to create a new VPC. |
customPrefixNameVPC | A custom prefix name for a VPC. |
customPrefixNameSubNetwork | A custom prefix name for the subnetwork. |
ipCidrRange | Enter the VPC CIDR range in which VPC will be created. |
vpc | Enter the VPC within which you want to deploy the resources. NOTE: You must leave this field blank if the parameter createVPC is set to true. |
vpcProjectId | Enter the Project ID of your VPC. NOTE: You must leave this field blank if the parameter createVPC is set to true. |
createNetworkFirewall | To create firewall rules, set the value of this parameter to true. NOTE: If the value of createVPC is set to true, firewall rules will be created unconditionally. |
subnetwork | Enter the subnetwork within your VPC. NOTE: You must leave this field blank if the parameter createVPC is set to true. |
enableVpcConnector | Keep the value of this parameter as false if the value of the parameter (createVPC) is true. |
vpcConnectorName | Enter the name of the VPC Connector to be used with GCP functions. |
kmCount | The number of Kyvos Manager instances to be launched. |
kmInstanceType | Instance type of Kyvos Manager (n2dn2-standard-8 recommended4). |
kmVolumeSizeGB | Size of the disk to be attached to the Kyvos Manager. |
kmBootScript startup-script | |
kmSourceImage | Ubuntu- projects/dev-enterprises-273509/global/images/kyvos-ubuntu20-image-2023-11-0 RHEL- projects/dev-enterprises-273509/global/images/kyvos-kmrhel-image-2023-15 |
webServerPublicIP | Change the value to true if public IP for the Web Server is needed. NOTE: Change the value to true if the value of createVPC is true |
kmVolumeType | Type of the disk for KM (pd-standard recommendedssd). |
hostNameBasedDeployment | Change the value to true to use the hostname for the cluster deployment. |
qeCount | The number of instances to be used as query engines. |
qeInstanceType | Instance type of query engine (n2dn2-standardhighmem-8 recommended4). |
qeDataVolumeSizeGB | Size of the disk to be attached with query engines. |
qeCacheVolumeSizeGB | Size of the disk to be attached for the cache. |
qeCacheVolumeCount | The number of disks to be attached to the cache. |
qeCacheVolumeType | Type of the disk for cache storage (pd-standard recommendedssd). |
biCount | Enter the number of instances to be used as the BI server. |
biInstanceType | Instance type of BI Server (n2dn2-standard-8 recommended). |
biBootScript | |
sourceImage | Ubuntu: projects/dev-enterprises-273509/global/images/kyvos-bi-qeubuntu20-image-2023-11-07 , RHEL: projects/dev-enterprises-273509/global/images/kyvos-rhel-image-2023-14 |
biVolumeCount | The number of disks to be attached to the BI Server. |
biVolumeSizeGB | Size of the disk to be attached to the BI Server. |
biVolumeType | Type of the disk for BI server (pd-standard recommendedssd) |
createGcpFunctionsEnter | true to enable cluster scheduling. You can also choose false to disable cluster schedulingSet the value as true to configure GCP Functions in Kyvos. |
createDataProc | Enter true to create Dataproc. |
sharedDataprocCluster | Select true to use the shared Dataproc cluster. In this case, Kyvos will not manage the Dataproc cluster.Select false to use the on-demand Dataproc cluster. In this case, the Dataproc cluster will automatically start or stop. |
dataProcNetworkTags | Provide a list of comma-separated network tags to be added to the Dataproc cluster. Example: dataProcNetworkTags : ["abc","xyz"] |
enableSshFlag | Set the value to true to enable SSH to the Dataproc cluster. |
enableLivy | Set the value to true to set up Livy Server in the Dataproc clusterof Livy to false if using Dataproc version 2.0.51-debian10. |
masterInstanceCount | The number of master nodes. For example, 1 |
masterInstanceType | Instance type of master node (n2dn2-highmem-4 is recommended) |
masterInstanceVolumeType | Type of the disk for master node (pd-standard is recommendedssd) |
workerInstanceCount | The number of worker instances. |
workerInstanceType | Instance type of worker node (n2dn2-highmem-8 is recommended) |
workerInstanceVolumeType | Type of the disk for worker node (pd-standard is recommendedssd) |
enableDataProcMetastore | Set the value as true to allow external Dataproc metastore. NOTE: Existing metastore is not supported if the value of the createVPC is true |
dataProcMetastoreProjectId | If enable DataProcMetastore is set as true, provide the name of the metastore project ID. |
dataProcMetaStoreName | Provide the name of the metastore name. | dataProcVersion | Supported versions: 2.0.53-debian10 (Supported Kyvos version 2023.1 onwards only) . |
dataProcVersion | Supported version is 2.0.51- debian10 1.5.55-debian10 |
enableAutoScaling | Set the value as true to enable the autoscaling of cluster nodes. |
existingAutoScalingPolicyName | Provide the name of the existing autoscaling property, if any. NOTE: Use this configuration only if enableAutoScaling is set as true. |
secondaryWorkerMinInstanceCount | Specify the number of minimum worker instances to be kept running while scaling. NOTE: Use this configuration only if enableAutoScaling is set as true. |
secondaryWorkerMaxInstanceCount | Specify the number of maximum worker instances to be kept running while scaling. NOTE: Use this configuration only if enableAutoScaling is set as true. |
existingDataprocClusterName | Enter the name of the existing Dataproc cluster. NOTE: Use these Configurations if you want to use the existing Dataproc and set the value of the parameter (createDataProc) to false. |
sshPrivateKeyDataproc | The private key of existing Dataproc. NOTE: The private key should be base64 encoded |
dataprocUsername | Name of the user. |
createServiceAccount | Change the value to false if you want to use the existing Service Account. |
serviceAccountName | Enter the service account name to be attached to all Kyvos Virtual Machines. |
secretManagerName | Provide the name of the existing Secret Manager. |
secretManagerProjectId | Provide the name of the Project ID in which the existing secret manager is created. |
customPrefixNameDataproc | A prefix is to be added before the name of Dataproc. |
customPrefixNameBI | A prefix is to be added before the name of BI virtual machines. |
customPrefixNameBIDisk | A prefix is to be added before the name of BI Disks. |
customPrefixNameQE | A prefix is to be added before the name of Query Engine virtual machines. |
customPrefixNameQEDisk | A prefix is to be added before the name of Query Engine disks. |
customPrefixNameKM | A prefix is to be added before the name of the Kyvos Manager virtual machine. |
customPrefixNameKMDataDisk | A prefix is to be added before the name of the Kyvos Manager disk. |
zone | The zone in which you want to deploy the resources. |
bucketName | Enter the bucket name (if the bucket is not present, a new bucket would be created). |
kyvosWorkDir | Provide the path of the Kyvos work directory. |
kyvosClusterName | Name of the Kyvos cluster to be deployed. |
bundleAccessKey | Key to access Kyvos bundle. |
bundleSecretKey | The secret key for Kyvos bundle. |
sshPublicKey | Text of the SSH public key for authentication. |
sshPrivateKey | Enter the SSH private Key text of the pem file. NOTE: The text must be in base64 encoded. |
kyvosLicenseFileValue | Enter a valid Kyvos license key. NOTE: It should be base64 encoded |
additionalLabels | Labels to be added to the resources. |