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summaryAzure Postgres backup


From Kyvos 2023.5 onwards, It is important to update the manually created backup information in Kyvos Manager. This will ensure that Kyvos Manager can still automate the restoration of the database to the correct state even if the backup of the repository failed during the Kyvos upgrade.

  1. After the upgrading process fails, the Kyvos version in cluster, you must export Set the environment variable path for library file by executing the following command:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/data/kyvos/app/kyvos/postgres/lib

  1. Create the Azure Postgres dump.
    NOTE: This must be done when the BI Server is in stop state.
    Execute the following command:
    ./pg_dump -c -C --host=<host> --port=<port> --dbname=<database name> --user=<user name> --password=<password> <file name>
    For example,
    ./pg_dump -c -C " port=5432 dbname=delverepo user=postgres@kyvos-postgresserver-1010 password=delve@123" >

In case you face an error, such as: “./pg_dump: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”, then execute the LD_LIBRARY_PATH command, for example: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/data/kyvos/app/kyvos/postgres/lib
  1. Kyvos2023-5-Build026-014-D2023-Nov-14-T12-46-41

  2. Image Added
  3. When upgrading, if the database backup has already been taken, a dialog will appear on the Upgrade screen prompting you to select the following checkboxes.

  4. After selecting the appropriate checkboxes, enter your Kyvos Manager password. See the Upgrading Kyvos section for more details.

  5. Click Upgrade.

Updating the manually created backup in Kyvos Manager

If backup of external repo fails during Kyvos upgrade, the Kyvos Manager prompts for the Database dump state of the current repository. In this case, you have two ways: either provide the path of dump file in DFS (abfs) or upload that dump file from Kyvos Manager. Using available permissions in the environment, choose the best option for the user.

  1. Save the Azure Postgres dump otherwise the rollback to this state will not be possible.

Aura tab
summaryAzure Postgres restore


From Kyvos 2023.5 onwards, It is important to restore the state of Database information in Kyvos Manager. This will ensure that Kyvos Manager can still automate the restoration of the database to the correct state even if the backup of the repository failed during the Kyvos upgrade.

  1. Create Azure Postgres SQL Database.

  2. Take the restored DelveRepo backup (created before upgrade) and restore it in the newly created PostgreSQL database (created in step 1).

  3. To do this, do one of the following:
    Execute the following command:
    kyvos/postgres/bin/pg_restore -c -C "host=localhost port=45421 dbname=delverepo user=postgres password=PROVIDE-ACTUAL_PWD" > data_backup.sql
    For example,
    ./pg_restore -c -C " port=5432 dbname=delverepo user=postgres@kyvos-postgresserver-1010 password=delve@123" delverepo_backup.sql

    1. Click Go to Manage Kyvos Repository. You will be redirected to the Manage Kyvos Repository page.

    2. Provide the details for newly created repository in which dump is imported, and then click Fetch details.

    3. Before saving, click Test connection, and then click Save.

Restoring the state of Database

During restore failure while Kyvos rollback, Kyvos Manager will show a link to the Manage Kyvos Repository page prompts you to restore the state of DB using the dump file stored in abfs. The name of the dump file that is present at path setup/kyvos-releases-db-state-backups/ inside {ENGINE_WORKS} directory will be displayed in the dialog box (as shown in the above image) and Manage Kyvos Repository page to help you in understanding which dump exactly needs to be restored. You can create a new repository with that dump state or can restore the dump is the same existing repository used in the system.

In either case, the name of that repository/servername needs to be provided on the Manage Kyvos Repository page in the ‘Server name’ field in which the dump is restored.
