Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  • Resource Groups and Virtual networks are required in the DR region.

  • Read a replica of the Flexible server that should be created in the DR region.

  • All the other disaster resources should be created in the DR region.

  • The service principle attached to the Databricks cluster should must have storage blob data contributor permission on the above-created storage/container.

  • To create a read replica of the Postgres Flexible Server, an existing Virtual Network peered with the Primary region’s Virtual Network is required in the DR region.

  • A subnet with delegation to flexible Servers in the Virtual network of the DR region is required.


Migrate Redundancy: To configure DR for the Storage Account, the user has to migrate the Redundancy option of the Storage Account. (Follow the Steps to change the Storage Redundancy). After the Redundancy option has been migrated to RA-GRS, a Secondary Storage Blob Service Endpoint will be available where data is continuously Replicated. We You will use the above endpoint in a disaster and copy data to another Storage Account in the same DR region.

The following image depicts the Primary region as Central US and the DR region as East US 2.





Azure provides a failover mechanism where the Storage Account shifts to the Secondary region in case of a disaster. Still, this feature is currently unavailable for the Storage Accounts with Hierarchical namespace enabled, and it's a prerequisite in Kyvos to use a Storage Account with Hierarchical namespace enabled.


Read Replicas: Cross-region read replicas can be deployed to protect your databases from region-level failures. Read replicas are updated asynchronously using PostgreSQL 's physical replication technology. Follow Microsoft documentation to configure Replication in an existing Postgres Flexible Server.


Key Vault automatically manages Disaster recovery: If you're in a region that automatically replicates your key vault to a secondary region, then in the rare event that an entire Azure region is unavailable, your requests of Azure Key Vault in that region are automatically routed (failed over) to a secondary region. When the primary region is available again, requests are routed back (failed back) to the primary region. Again, you don't need to take any action because this happens automatically. For more details, see See Microsoft documentation to know more about failover across regions.

Disaster Recovery in the Primary Region


  1. Create a new Storage Account using the ARM template in the DR region (refer to Fig 1 for getting DR region value).

  2. Execute the following command to copy the data from the Secondary Storage Blob Service Endpoint (created when you enabled the RA-GRS redundancy option) to the above-createdoption)to the above created Storage Account.

    Code Block
    azcopy copy "<source_URL>" "<destination_URL>" --recursive=true




While creating the template, use the same configurations as the primary region’s Kyvos Cluster.

  1. Open the downloaded template in a Text Editor. Search for EnableDR and change its value from


  1. ‘false’ to


  1. ‘true’.

  2. While deploying ARM deployment, enter the below details as follows:

    1. Storage Account Name: Enter the name of the Storage Account created in the DR Region in the Storage Account Name.

    2. Key Vault Name: Enter the DNS name of the existing Key vault in the primary region

    3. Kyvos Postgres Server Name: Enter the name of


    1. the Postgres Flexible Server promoted from Read replica.

    2. Provide the same engine work directory as the primary deployment.

Storage Account Template

Code Block

"$schema": "",

"contentVersion": "",

"parameters": {

"StorageAccountName": {

"type": "string",

"defaultValue": "drbucket",

"metadata": {

"description": "Name of Storage Account to be used."



"StorageAccountContainerName": {

"type": "string",

"defaultValue": "kyvoscontainer",

"metadata": {

"description": "Name of Container in Storage Account."



"MultiAzStorageAccount": {

"type": "bool",

"defaultValue": false,

"allowedValues": [ true, false ],

"metadata": {

"description": "Select True to Create New Managed Identity for kyvos."



"AdditionalTags": {

"type": "object",

"metadata": {

"description": "Additional tags to put on all resources. Syntax: {\"Key1\": \"Value1\", \"Key2\" : \"Value2\"}"


"defaultValue": {

"UsedBy": "Kyvos"




"variables": {

"TagMap": {

"LayerTag": {

"WebServer": "Kyvos_WebPortal",

"OlapEngine": "Service",

"QueryEngine": "Query",

"StorageAccount": "Persistent_Storage",

"KyvosManager": "KM_Service",

"Function": "Scale_Layer",

"Vault": "Secrets",

"ManagedIdentity": "Authentication",

"AzurePostgresServer": "Metadata_Storage",

"LogsStorageAccount": "Logs_Storage",

"CreditInfoPostgres": "CreditInfo_Metadata_Storage",

"CreditInfoKeyVault": "CreditInfo_Secrets_Storage",

"Vnet": "Networking",

"LogWorkspace": "Logging",

"PrivateEndpoint": "Connection"


"RoleTag": {

"WebServer": "WP_CLUSTER",

"OlapEngine": "BI_CLUSTER",

"QueryEngine": "QE_CLUSTER",

"StorageAccount": "STORAGE",

"KyvosManager": "KM",

"Function": "KYVOS_FUNCTION",


"ManagedIdentity": "RESOURCES_ACCESS",

"AzurePostgresServer": "DATABASE",

"AzurePostgresServerKmRepo": "DATABASE_KM",

"LogsStorageAccount": "LOGS_DATA",

"CreditInfoPostgres": "CREDITINFO_DATABASE",


"Vnet": "NETWORK",

"LogWorkspace": "LOGGING",

"PrivateEndpoint": "CONNECTION"




"resources": [


"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",

"apiVersion": "2022-09-01",

"name": "[parameters('StorageAccountName')]",

"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",

"sku": {

"name": "[if(parameters('MultiAzStorageAccount'), 'Standard_ZRS', 'Standard_LRS')]",

"tier": "Standard"


"tags": "[union(parameters('AdditionalTags'),json(concat('{\"CLUSTER_ID\": \"kyvos-', deployment().name, '\" , \"CreatedBy\": \"Kyvos\", \"Name\": \"kyvos-storage-', deployment().name, '\" , \"ROLE\": \"', variables('TagMap').RoleTag.StorageAccount, '\" , \"LAYER\": \"', variables('TagMap').LayerTag.StorageAccount, '\"')))]",

"kind": "StorageV2",

"properties": {

"largeFileSharesState": "Disabled",

"isHnsEnabled": true,

"networkAcls": {

"bypass": "AzureServices",

"virtualNetworkRules": [],

"ipRules": [],

"defaultAction": "Allow"


"supportsHttpsTrafficOnly": true,

"encryption": {

"services": {

"file": {

"keyType": "Account",

"enabled": true


"blob": {

"keyType": "Account",

"enabled": true



"keySource": "Microsoft.Storage"


"minimumTlsVersion": "TLS1_2",

"accessTier": "Hot",

"allowBlobPublicAccess": false




"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices",

"apiVersion": "2022-09-01",

"name": "[concat(parameters('StorageAccountName'), '/default')]",

"dependsOn": [

"[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('StorageAccountName'))]"


"properties": {

"cors": {

"corsRules": []


"deleteRetentionPolicy": {

"enabled": false



"tags": "[union(parameters('AdditionalTags'),json('{}'))]"



"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers",

"apiVersion": "2022-09-01",

"name": "[concat(parameters('StorageAccountName'), '/default/',parameters('StorageAccountContainerName'))]",

"dependsOn": [

"[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices', parameters('StorageAccountName'), 'default')]",

"[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('StorageAccountName'))]"


"properties": {

"publicAccess": "None"


"tags": "[union(parameters('AdditionalTags'),json('{}'))]"



"outputs": {


