This section explains how you can to connect Python to Kyvos semantic models using SQL connection. Use the ODBC or JDBC Driver to establish a connection.
ODBC Driver
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To connect Kyvos using Python, you must have the following.
Python (3 and above) must be hosted either on an analyst’s machine or on Hadoop Cluster (Cloud/On-Premises).
PYODBC module
Kyvos ODBC Driver
Steps to connect
Download the Kyvos ODBC driver from https://www.kyvosinsights.com/kyvos-odbc-driver/
You will be asked to register yourself to download the driver and the Installation Guide to set up the driver.Install the Kyvos ODBC driver using the system administrator credentials.
Create a System DSN named KyvosDSN, as explained:
Test the connectivity with Kyvos, and save the System DSN.
Now you can start browsing the Kyvos semantic models in Python Notebook.
Code Block | ||
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import pyodbc
#connection string
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=KyvosDSN;UID=xxxx;PWD=xxxx', autocommit=True)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
#execute the prepared SQL statement
cursor.execute("SELECT `ssb`.`brand1` AS `brand1`, SUM(`ssb`.`profit`) AS `sum_profit_ok` FROM `kyvos_browsing_automationcubes`.`ssb` `ssb` WHERE ((`ssb`.`mfgr` = 'MFGR#3') AND (`ssb`.`region` = 'ASIA')) GROUP BY `ssb`.`brand1`")
#iterate the results
for showD1 in D1: |
JDBC Driver
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To connect Kyvos using Python, you must have the following.
Python (3 and above) must be hosted either on an analyst’s machine or on Hadoop Cluster (Cloud/On-Premises).
PYODBC module
Kyvos ODBC Driver
Steps to connect
To download the Hive JDBC Driver, click here.
Save the Driver at any location. For example, /data/hdisk5/put_data/HiveJDBC/hive-jdbc-uber-
To install Python, execute the yum install python3 command if not installed.
To install Pip, execute the curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py command.
To install JayDeBeApi, execute the pip3 install JayDeBeApi command.
Set JAVA_HOME, if not set.
To create the Test.py file, use the following script code and make the required changes.
Code Block language py import jaydebeapi from contextlib import closing jclassname='org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver' jdbc_driver_loc = '/data/hdisk5/put_data/HiveJDBC/hive-jdbc-uber-' jdbc_driver_name = 'org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver' url='jdbc:hive2://<IP Address>:<Port>/;transportMode=http;httpPath=kyvos/sql' login="userid" pwd="password" sql = "select country, sum(sale_price) as SUM_sale_price from Kyvos_RawDataAccuracyCubes.RawData_CompanysaleSF as rawdata_companysalesf group by country order by country asc limit 10000" conn = jaydebeapi.connect(jclassname=jdbc_driver_name, url=url, driver_args=[login, pwd], jars=jdbc_driver_loc.split(",")) with closing(conn) as conn: with closing(conn.cursor()) as cur: cur.execute(sql) print(cur.fetchall())
Run the python file by executing the python3 Test.py command.
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The Test.py is the Python file that contains the script code used to run the query. |