Configuration | Parameter | Description/Remarks |
VPC Configurations (using existing VPC) | Specify an IPv4 CIDR block of existing VPC. | Please enter the IP range (CIDR notation) for this VPC |
Select the VPC in which EC2 instances will be launched | Select the VPC from the list. | |
Select the Private Subnets to be attached to EC2 instances | Select 2 private subnets, each from a different availability zone. | |
Select the Public Subnets to be attached to EC2 instances | Select 2 public subnets, each from a different availability zone. | |
VPC Configurations (using new VPC) | Specify an IPv4 CIDR block for the VPC ? | Enter the IP range (CIDR notation) for this VPC. |
EMR Configurations | Enter the number of Core EC2 Instances to be launched with EMR | The number of Core EC2 Instances to be launched with EMR. Recommended value: 2 |
Enter the minimum number of Core EC2 instances that should be kept running | The minimum number of core nodes that will keep running during scale-in operation. Recommended value: 2 | |
Enter the maximum number of Core EC2 instances that should be kept running | The maximum number of core nodes that can be used by the EMR during scale-out operation. Recommended value: 10 | |
Enable In-transit encryption for EMR cluster | Set the value of this parameter to true if you need in-transit encryption with TLS for the EMR cluster. | |
Enter the S3Object ARN where PEM based certificate is located | Enter the S3Object Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS certificate. NOTE: This is required only if you have enabled in-transit encryption for the EMR cluster. | |
RDS Configurations | Postgres Password Kyvos | Specifies the value of the password used for Kyvos Repository. NOTE The password can include any printable ASCII character except "/", """, "@" and single quote |
Advanced Configurations | Select Instance Type which will be used for Query Engines. | Select the required instance type that will be used for Query Engines. |
Select Instance Type which will be used for BI Server. | Select the required instance type that will be used for BI Server. | |
Name of IAM User to give permissions on KMS key | Specify the name of IAM User to give permissions on KMS key. | |
Enable Environment validation | By default, the False value is selected to enable the environment validation. | |
Allowed IP Range | Provide the range of IP addresses allowed to access Kyvos Instances. Use to allow all users access. | |
Email ID | You will receive Kyvos Application URLs and Cloudwatch Alarm Notifications on this email address. | |
Cloudwatch Alarms | Select true to receive Cloudwatch Alarm Notifications on the above email address if provided. | |
Password for Kyvos and Kyvos Manager. | Enter the Admin password for Kyvos and Kyvos Manager Web portal. Keep this admin username and password safe for future reference. |