Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise
Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS)
Kyvos AWS Marketplace
Parameter | Description |
Subscription* | Your account subscription. |
Resource Group* | Enter the name of your resource group. The resource group is a collection of resources that share the same lifecycle, permissions, and policies. |
Region* | Azure region that's right for you and your customers. Not every resource is available in every region. |
vnetAddress | Enter the CIDR notation for the new VPC that will be created in the deployment. |
NetworkSecurityGroupIpWhiteList | Provide the range of IP addresses allowed to access Kyvos Instances. Use to allow all users access. NOTE: This parameter is displayed only when a new network security group is created within the deployment. |
Virtual Network Name* | Name of Virtual Network in which your VMs will run. |
App Service Plan Name | Name of the service plan which is being used for the deployment. If left blank it will be created automatically. |
VM Subnet Name* | Name of Subnet in which your VMs will run. This Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. |
Kubernetes Subnet Name | Name of the subnet in which Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) will be created. The subnet must be part of the specified Virtual Network and be a separate /23 subnet specifically for AKS. |
ApplicationGatewaySubnetName * | Name of the Subnet in which Application Gateway will be created. The Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. NOTE: This parameter will display only if an existing VPC is used for deployment. |
Azure Function Subnet Name* | Name of the Subnet in which Azure Functions will be running. The Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. A separate subnet is required for Azure Functions with a delegation to Microsoft.Web/serverFarms. |
Virtual Network Resource Group Name* | Name of Resource Group in which Virtual Network and Subnet are deployed. |
Security Group Name* | Name of the Security group that can be used to access the VMs. |
Security Group Resource Group Name* | Name of the Resource Group in which the Security Group is deployed. |
Network Resource Group Name* | Name of the Resource Group in which the Virtual Network, Subnet, and Security Group are deployed. |
Enable Managed Identity Creation | Select True to create a new managed identity for Kyvos. |
Managed Identity Name* | Enter the name of the User-Managed Identity to be attached to all Kyvos VMs. |
Managed Identity Resource Group Name | Name of the Resource Group in which Managed Identity is deployed. |
Gallery Resource Group Name* | Name of Resource Group in which Gallery resides. NOTE: This field is displayed only if you selected the Use Custom Image checkbox when creating the template. |
Gallery Subscription ID | Subscription ID in which Gallery resides. |
Gallery Name* | Name of the Shared Image Gallery. |
Gallery Image Definition Name* | Name of the Image Definition. |
Gallery Image Version Name* | Name of the Image Version - should follow <MajorVersion>.<MinorVersion>.<Patch>. |
Databricks Token* | Enter the value of the token used to connect to Databricks Cluster. |
Databricks Authentication | Shows the authentication type selected while creating the template from Kyvos Manager. NOTE: If you selected the Personal Access Token option while creating the template from Kyvos Manager, you must provide the Databricks Token. For AAD, it is not required. |
Kyvos Work Directory | Enter the path for the Kyvos work directory. |
SSH Public Key* | Provide an RSA public key in the single-line format (starting with "ssh-rsa") or the multi-line PEM format. |
Additional Tags | Enter the additional tags to put on all resources. |
Storage Account Name | Enter the name of the Storage Account to be used for Kyvos. |
Storage Account Container Name | Enter the name of the Container in the Storage Account which will be used for Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixVirtualMachines | Enter a custom prefix that you want to append before the name of the virtual machines to be used for Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixVPC | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of VPC in case a new VPC is created for use with Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixNSG | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of the Network Security Group in case a new group is created for use with Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixKeyVault | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of Key Vault in case a new Key Vault is created for use with Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixScaleSet | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of Scaleset that will be created for use with Kyvos. |
Vault URL | Provide the URL for your existing Azure Key vault. If the Key Vault is not provided, Kyvos will create a new Key Vault named kyvosvault<XXXXX>. Here, XXXXX is a unique five-digit identity generated as a suffix to the Kyvos vault. |
Vault Resource Group | Name of Resource group in which the Key Vault is deployed. |
Boot Diagnostics Storage Account Resource ID | Resource ID of a storage account of type gen1 for enabling Boot Diagnostics of VMs. If left blank Storage Account of type gen1 will be created. |
Log Analytics Workspace Name | Name of Log Analytics Workspace. Leave blank if you don't wish to enable the Log Analytics agent for VMs. |
Log Analytics Resource Group | NOTE: This field is displayed only if you had selected the Deploy with Enhanced Security checkbox at the time of creating the template. |
Firewall Ip White List | Provide a comma-separated list of the IP rules to be set for the Key Vault and Azure Storage Account. |
Azure Function Crontab | Crontab entry to call Azure functions for use with cluster scheduling. Default value: [utcNow('u')] |
Storage Account Resource Group | Enter the name of the Resource Group in which the Storage Account is deployed. |
Object Id of Service Principal* | The Object ID assigned to the Service principal. This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory. |
Databricks Vpc Type* | CustomerManagedVnet: Select this option to allow Network ACLs of the storage account to include Databricks and Kyvos V-net as whitelisted in it. DatabricksManagedVnet: Select this option to disable Network ACLs for the storage accounts. In this case, the Databricks managed VNET will be used. NOTE: This option is displayed only if you selected the Deploy with Enhanced Security option at the time of creating the template from the Kyvos Manager. |
Databricks Virtual Network Name | Enter the name of the Databricks Virtual Network to be used. |
Databricks Private Subnet Name | Enter the name of the Private Subnet in which Databricks VMs will be running. The Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. |
Databricks Public Subnet Name | Enter the name of the Public Subnet in which Databricks VMs will be running. The Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. |
Databricks Network Resource Group Name | Enter the name of the Resource Group in which Databricks Virtual Network and Subnet are deployed. |
Azure Postgres Server Sku Tier | Azure Database for PostgreSQL pricing tier. |
SSH public key source | Select the required option from the SSH public key source list. |
SSH Private Key* | Provide the RSA private key in the single-line format. |
Kyvos Cluster Name | Provide a name for your Kyvos cluster. |
Kyvos Installation Path
| Provide the installation path to be used for deploying the Kyvos cluster. |
Databricks URL* | Provide the URL in <https://<account>> format. |
Databricks Cluster Id* | Enter the ID of the cluster you created. To obtain this ID, click the Cluster Name on the Clusters page in Databricks. The page URL shows <https://<databricks-instance>/#/settings/clusters/<cluster-id>. |
Databricks Cluster Organization ID* | Enter the Cluster Organization ID of your Azure cluster. To obtain this ID, click the Cluster Name on the Clusters page in Databricks. |
Postgres Password* | Provide the value of the password used for Postgres |
License File Value* | Enter a valid Kyvos License. |
Secret Key For Kyvos Bundle Download* | Enter the Secret key to access the Kyvos bundle. |
Enable Public IP | Select True to enable Public IP for the Kyvos Web portal. |
Dns Label Prefix | Unique DNS Name for the Public IP used to access the Virtual Machine. |
Type of Public IP | Type of Public IP address for Kyvos Web portal from Dynamic or Static. |
Host Name Based Deployment | Select True to use hostnames instead of IP Addresses for instances during cluster deployment. |
Perform Env Validation | Select True to perform environment validation before cluster deployment to ensure all the resources are created correctly. |
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Note To access the Usage Dashboard, you need to provide permissions after completing the deployment. If you have deployed the cluster with Web Portal HA, you can enable TLS for Web Portal using Post Deployment steps listed here. |
Flexible Server details for Kyvos and Kyvos Manager Repository
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