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Applies to: (tick) Kyvos Enterprise  (tick) Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) (error) Kyvos AWS Marketplace


Code Block
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:redshift:region:account-id:cluster:cluster-name*"
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "redshift:DescribeClusters",
"Resource": "*"


  • Provide the iam_role

  • Set the  LoginTimeout value

To set up or view a Redshift warehouse connection, perform the following steps. 

  1. From the Toolbox, click Setup, then Connections.

  2. From the Actions menu (  ⋮  ) click Add Connection.

  3. Enter a name or select it from the Connection list.

  4. After you finish configuring the settings using the table shown below the screenshot, click the Test button from the top left to validate the connection settings.

  5. If the connection is valid, click the Save button.

  6. To refresh connections, click the Actions menu (    ) at the top of the Connections column and select Refresh.

Aura tab collection
Aura tab
summaryAuthentication Type: User Name and Password
  1. Select Warehouse from the Category List.
    There may be more than one warehouse connection.

  2. For Providers, select Redshift.

  3. For Authentication Type choose one of the following User Name and Password.

  4. Enter the URL, Redshift user name, and password for Kyvos to connect to Redshift.

  5. Click the SSL checkbox to configure the driver to use a non-validating SSL factor. Use this setting if the server you are connecting to uses SSL but does not require identity verification. 

  6. Click Properties to configure advanced settings or set JDBC-specific properties. All non-Kyvos properties are passed to the JDBC API. 

  7. In the Miscellaneous Properties section, provide the iam_role and the LoginTimeout value. The recommended value is 10.

  8. Click Save.

Aura tab
summaryAuthentication Type: IAM Instance Profile Credentials
  1. Select Warehouse from the Category List.
    There may be more than one warehouse connection.

  2. For Providers, select Redshift.

  3. For Authentication Type choose IAM Instance Profile Credentials to configure the IAM role attached to the BI server.

  4. Enter the URL, Redshift User, and Redshift groups to map to the IAM role. 

  5. The JDBC URL can be fetched from AWS Redshift Console and has the following format: jdbc:redshift:iam://

  6. Click Auto Create DB User to create the user at runtime. That user is assigned to a group that is specified at the connection screen. The group must already exist. If a group is not specified, then the user is assigned to the PUBLIC group.Click Properties to configure advanced settings or set JDBC-specific properties. All non-Kyvos properties are passed to the JDBC API.the Properties link to add the following properties and specify the value as per the configuration.

    1. DbGroups: Enter the value of the RedShift Database group.

    2. iam_role: Enter the IAM role configured on your RedShift cluster.

      image-20241218-083856.pngImage Added
  7. In the Miscellaneous Properties section, provide the Redshift iam_role and the LoginTimeout value. The recommended value is 10.

  8. Optionally, select the SSL check box to enable SSL in a Redshift connection.

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    Click Save.

  9. To refresh connections, click the menu ( ⋮ ) at the top of the Connections column and select Refresh.

  10. Test to validate the connection. Once it is valid, click Save.

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