Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Filter Step can be used allows you to apply filtering conditions on to specific fields of the selected in a Query Object. Filter step can take an It takes input from any step (except the Load and Format steps) and provide provides output to any step (except the Data Source step) in the flow of Query Object.

Filter is displayed on the Query Object Designer as shown below.

Figure 11: Filter Step


The properties tab shows two sections for a Filter step:

  1. Select Filter Criteria

  2. Fields properties

Select Filter Criteria

You need to select available Field name, Criteria and Value to apply ad hoc filters for this step.

Only the data that matches the filtering criteria can pass to the output from this step.

Fields properties

For each selected field of the Query Object, the following properties can be set.

Fields properties

For each selected field of the Query Object, the following properties can be set:







Properties of Filter Step




Select from






Braces to group a set of conditions for applying appropriate AND/OR combination

a list to group conditions with braces for applying AND/OR combinations.



from listSelect

the field

on which you want Select

to apply the filter on.


Select from list

Choose the

operator to be used in the filter. These are comparison operators

comparison operator based on the data type of the


field (

different for

character, numeric


, date).

The between operator prompts for two values


Enter or select from the list


of values based on the configuration of

this field in the meta layer, the value list appears












Braces to group a set of conditions for applying appropriate AND/OR combination






AND = The next condition is applied with combined conjunction of this condition

OR = The next condition is applied in alternate conjunction of this condition

Use Parameter


Select = When Use Parameter is selected, Value gets

the field.


Select from a list of closing braces to group conditions similarly to the "Open" property.


Choose between AND (for combining conditions) or OR (for alternate conditions).

Use Parameter

Select: When selected, the value is populated with parameter values for comparison.

Clear: Disable this option.

Additional Mandatory Filters


a numberThis specifies

the number of

filters in addition to existing

additional mandatory filters that

are mandatory for user to choose

users must choose.

Lookup Values



Select = Whether this field provides

Select: Apply a filter based on a list of lookup values

to apply filter on. Lookup values can be retrieved from a value list or from

(from another table or query).

Note: Lookup Values is enabled for char and date type fields

Clear: Disable lookup values.




Select = Will mandate reports using this Query Object to apply filter on this field



Select = Will remove this field for filter options. End user will not see this field in filter-on field list

Lookup Details

Key Value Field

Select a field

When we have Lookup values with display and value columns, the value should apply to filter on key field, instead of display applying filter on this field.
This is a SQL optimization option.If you create a lookup with customerID and customer name and your table is indexed on customerID, then for the customer name field, set customerID as Key Value Field



Select = You can set a source (SQL or another Query Object) for the Lookup values



Select = You can type in the lookup values

Restrict to list


Select = The list shown to the end user for selecting values for filtering should not allow typing in new value other than list



On Every use,


By Search

Now = Fetch the values only upon saving this Query Object

On Every Use= Fetch the values every time end user screen loads for prompting filters

Lazy = Fetch the values when user selects this field for filtering and clicks the combo for value selection

By Search = Fetch matching values when user starts typing values in the filter

Min. Key Length

Number 0-4

By search fetching of data starts only after these many characters are typed by the user

User Defined


Select = To provide a user defined

: Make the filter mandatory for users.

Clear: Allow optional filtering.


Select: Remove this field from the filter options list. Users won’t see it for filtering.

Lookup Details

Configure the key value and value columns for lookup values and specify SQL optimization options.


Select: Set a source for dynamic lookup values (SQL or Query Object).

Clear: Disable dynamic lookup.


Select: Manually type in the lookup values.

Restrict to list

Select: Limit user input to the listed values only.


Choose when to fetch the lookup values: Now, On Every Use, Lazy, or By Search.

Min. Key Length

Define the minimum number of characters to type before initiating a search for lookup values.

User Defined

Select: Use a custom SQL or data source for lookup values

De-select = Automatically generates distinct based query to get lookup values


Clear: Automatically generate queries to get distinct lookup values.

New Source/

Existing QO

New Source/

Existing QO

Whether user defined is

Choose between a new SQL source or an existing Query Object for lookup values.

Display Column

Select the field from


the lookup value result set

, select the field

to display on the user interface.

Value Column


from ListFrom lookup value result set, select

the field to pass the value under filters from the lookup value result set.

Link Lookup


/De-selectSelect = Specifies that this is

: Designate this as a nested lookup.


Lookup     To

Lookup to Parent Field



Select = Select the parent field to which this field will be nested.

For example, Set Country as the parent field for this property of State field

Note that you must use the parent value in the where clause of lookup SQL

Link Lookup



Select = Before applying a filter on Parent field, the nested field lookup values will not be listed

De-select = Before applying a filter on Parent field, ALL values will be listed for nested field. When a filter is applied on parent field, NESTED values will be listed

: Link the lookup to a parent field (e.g., linking State to Country).

Link Lookup Mandatory

Select: Nested lookup values won’t appear until the parent field filter is applied.

Clear: All values will appear.
