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The framework runs checks, such as:

  • Runs sanity build process (validation and build process both).

  • Executes sanity queries to validate if the queries (for both MDX and SQL) are successfully served from the query engine.

  • Execute sanity queries (for both MDX and SQL ) to validate the result cache.

  • Notify the complete status of all the checks, and so on.

You can specify the name and type of the cube semantic model to be builtprocessed, the cube semantic model on which the queries should be executed, the number of queries to be executed, the type of queries to be executed, the type of cache to be validated, and so on.





Enable or disable cluster validation on restart


Provide the time interval for which the system should wait until Query Engines are successfully initialized after the BI Server bootup


Email ID of the user who will be notified.


Set the value as success or failure. A notification will be sent to the email ID mentioned above.


Specify the details of events that you want to capture.


Specify the details of logs to be captured in the following:

  • requiredDetails: Comma-separated list of items that you want to capture. In logs. For example, threadDump,buildLogsprocessLogs,outFile,processLogs

  • path: Provide the path where logs will be captured. For example: ../logs/BootupValidation/

  • backupFileLimit: The number of backup files to be maintained. The default value is 5. Whenever the system will try to capture logs on a BI server/Query engine for a cluster, it will check if the total number of files of cluster validation logs is exceeding the count of the configured threshold. If it exceeds, then the system will delete extra files by sorting them on the basis of the last-modified timestamp of those files.

QueryExecution status

Enable or disable the execution of queries during sanity testing. By default, the system will not execute queries on the configured cubesemantic model.


Name of the cube semantic model on which the queries are to be executed.


For query execution enabled, cubeID is a mandatory field.


Provide filters to specify which queries to execute on the cubesemantic model. If no filters are provided then the system will execute all the saved queries of the specified cubesemantic model.