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From your Azure account, you can deploy the following Kyvos offerings on Marketplace: 

  • Kyvos

The This is a pay-as-you-go plan that allows you to pay only for the time the Kyvos cluster runs. To minimize cluster running time, Kyvos ensures that all Query Engines are shut down when no queries are run for a predefined amount of time. By referring to your Azure invoice, you can obtain a comprehensive view of your Kyvos usage, and there's no need to allocate a separate budget for Kyvos beyond your existing Azure budget.
For more details about pricing, see Kyvos Pricing for Azure Marketplace

  • Kyvos Free

Kyvos Single Node Standard (also known as Kyvos SNS) free account lets you explore Kyvos’ innovative and powerful features at no license cost or contractual obligations. This offering allows you to quickly find and start using Kyvos SNS services directly from your Azure account. To do this, search for Kyvos on Azure Marketplace, select a plan, and use the step-by-step wizard to deploy Kyvos without any IT assistance. 

After the successful deployment, you will receive an email containing the URL to access Kyvos. 


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