Switch to the Backend tab. The Backend configuration section is displayed.
Click Create a Backend Service.
For Kyvos Manager: Provide a Name to create a backend service—for example, backendservicekmhttps.
Backend Type: Instance Group
Protocol: HTTPS
Named Port: km-https
For Kyvos: Provide a Name to create a backend service—for example, backendservicekyvoshttps.
Backend Type: Instance Group
Protocol: HTTPS
Named Port: kyvos-https
In the Health check section, click the Create a Health Check option.
For Kyvos Manager: Provide a Name, such as kyvosmanagerhealthcheck.
Path: /kyvosmanager/kmha/activeKyvosManagerInstance
Protocol: HTTPS
Port: 9443
For Kyvos: Provide a Name, such as kyvoshealthcheck.
Path: /kyvos/
Protocol: HTTPS
Port: 8443
Click the Save button.
Scroll down and expand the Advanced Configurations section, and then select the Client IP option from the Session Affinity list and click Create.
Provide a Name, such as httpskyvoswebserver.
Enter Host and Path rules.
Click UpdateCreate.
The load balancer is created with requisite configurations.