To process the semantic model with source as Snowflake on AWS,
Set In semantic model advance properties, provide the value of your secret key in the AWS_SECRET_KEY as user ACCESS_KEY and property.
In semantic model advance properties, provide the value of your access key in the AWS_KEY_ID as user SECRET_KEY, in semantic model advance propertiesproperty.
Configure a Snowflake storage integration to access Amazon S3.
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panelIconId | atlassian-info |
panelIcon | :info: |
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Important Refer to Snowflake documentation for configuring a Snowflake storage integration to access Amazon S3. Ensure that before creating an external stage, as per Snowflake documentation, the URL should be: s3://<your bucket name>/<kvyso work directory>/temp/ For example, 's3://kyvos-qa/user/engine_work/temp/' For AWS Marketplace document, add IAM role (created in the ‘Step 2: Create the IAM Role in AWS’ section of the Snowflake documentation) in the KMS key policy.
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Note This requires AWS console access and Snowflake account administrators (users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role) or a role with the global CREATE INTEGRATION. Execute the GRANT USAGE ON STAGE <stagename> TO ROLE <role_used_on_Kyvos_SF_Connection>; query on Snowflake with the role used in Snowflake connection in Kyvos. Add the kyvos.connection.snowflake.stage = @mydb.myschema.mystage property on Snowflake connection. NOTE: Here, mydb is the database name, myschema is the schema name, and mystage is the stage name. Update the IAM role in your bucket policy that you created while configuring a Snowflake storage integration to access Amazon S3 in the above step.
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panelIconId | atlassian-info |
panelIcon | :info: |
bgColor | #FFFAE6 |
Important To configure a Snowflake storage integration to access Google Cloud Storage, refer to the Snowflake documentation. Ensure that before creating an external stage, as per Snowflake documentation, the URL should be: gcs://<your bucket name>/<kyvos work directory>/temp/ For example, 's3gcs://kyvos-qa/user/engine_work/temp/' |