Intellicus can be configured to send a mail message to recipients when:
A report is executed in asynchronous mode (notifying success or failure)
Report is sent as an email (attachment or link)
Report execution request is rejected
A Job is executed (notifying success or failure)
Memory Exceeding a set level
As part of Report Approval Process, a comment is added, report’s status is changed or report gets published
Content of these messages come from corresponding template files. These files are located on Report Server at path:
<Install folder>IntellicusReportEngineConfigmessagesmails
These files are:
Content of Mail Message template files
The first line of the file contains the subject. Subject has to be one-liner and line must start with case insensitive keyword ‘Subject:’. Specify message in second line onwards, which must start with case insensitive keyword ‘Message:’.
If these keywords are not found in the file, Intellicus assumes content of the file as message and takes default value for the subject.
Subject: Scheduled job ‘<%JOB_NAME%>’ notification – Success
Message: Hello,
This is an auto-generated notification by Report Server.
The scheduled reports are delivered successfully.
Details of delivered reports are as follows:
System Administrator
In the above example, words enclosed by <% and %> are system parameters. At run time these parameters will be replaced by actual values. All the system parameters that are available for a mail message are already used in pre-configured mail messages.
Locale-specific messages
If the mail messages are specific to the locale of the user, they are recommended to be kept inside a locale specific folder inside mails folder. For example: ReportServerdistconfigmessagesmailsen_us.
Note: Locale-specific messages are not available for Memory Exceeded mail message and Execution Rejection mail message.
Email Recipients
AsynchronousFailureMessage.txt: To the user, who executed the report, sent on the mail ID specified on user’s My Preferences page.
AsynchronousSuccessMessage.txt: To the user, who executed the report, sent on the mail ID specified on user’s My Preferences page.
Attachemailmessage.txt: To the users who’s Ids are specified on Email dialog.
ExecutionRejectionMessage.txt: To the super administrator, sent on super administrator’s My Preference page.
JobErrorMessage.txt: To ID specified on Job details page.
JobSuccessMessage.txt: To ID specified on Job details page.
linkemailmessage.txt: To the users who’s Ids are specified on Email dialog.
MemoryExceededMessage.txt: To the super administrator, sent on super administrator’s My Preference page.
ReportApprovalProcessCommentAddMessage.txt: To all the users who are a part of report approval process. These are the users who are authorized to comment, approve or reject a report. Mail will be sent to the Ids set by these users on their My Preferences page.
ReportApprovalProcessReportPublishMessage.txt: To all the users who are a part of report approval process. These are the users who are authorized to comment, approve or reject a report. Mail will be sent to the Ids set by these users on their My Preferences page.
ReportApprovalProcessStatusUpdationMessage.txt: To all the users who are a part of report approval process. These are the users who are authorized to comment, approve or reject a report. Mail will be sent to the Ids set by these users on their My Preferences page.
orgexpirymessage.txt: To the Administrator user in case of SAAS enabled product license only.
Note: Administrator can retain their customized email templates along with the setup/default templates in separate files on upgrade.