To create an organization, configure the following properties.
Enter a unique Organization Name. When a user logs in to Kyvos Reporting, this name will appear in the Organization dropdown box on the landing page (login page).
Select the Is Default checkbox if most Kyvos Reporting users belong to this organization. At the time of login, users will be required to specify their organization along with their username. The default organization’s name appears selected in the organization box on the landing page.
If an organization is set as default, a DEFAULT tag will appear before its name in the Organization list.
If an organization is set as default, a DEFAULT tag will appear before its name in the Organization list.
Enter the required Description. This field allows you to specify additional information about the organization, such as “This is a default organization.” (The description textbox is placed after the authentication and security settings.)
Click on the Actions menu to Suspend or Remove an organization. If an organization is suspended, a SUSPENDED tag will appear before its name. A suspended organization can be resumed by clicking Resume Organization from the Actions menu.
A DEFAULT organization cannot be suspended.
If the number of organizations exceeds that in the license, the organizations beyond the approved license limit are tagged as ON HOLD.
An organization that consists of users and roles cannot be removed. You need to remove the users and roles under it.
A DEFAULT organization cannot be suspended.
If the number of organizations exceeds that in the license, the organizations beyond the approved license limit are tagged as ON HOLD.
An organization that consists of users and roles cannot be removed. You need to remove the users and roles under it.
The authentication and password settings are discussed in the chapter below.