Applies to: (tick) Kyvos Enterprise  (tick) Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) (tick) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

(tick) Kyvos Azure Marketplace   (tick) Kyvos GCP Marketplace (tick) Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

When you launch Kyvos for the first time, the Home page screen is displayed by default. Use the Home tab to navigate to the Home page. The home contains quick links to learn more. In the right of the page, you can view video and click the documentation links to read more information.


If Kyvos Dialogues (Conversational Analytics) is configured in your license file. The Kyvos Dialogues option is displayed on the Home screen.


Quick links and Learn more

This panel lists the common workflow tasks in the order you need to perform them.

In Quick Links, you can hover the cursor over an item and click the question mark to view documentation.


You can click topics to view the corresponding help page to learn more. 

You can click the item to go to that page. 


Recently used pages

The first time you start Kyvos, the Recent tab on the Home page is blank, but as you use Kyvos, the Home page is populated with a list of the recent pages you have used.

You can perform the following activities on the Recent page: 

Home button and other system-wide options


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