Visualization properties for charts
The properties listed here allow you to configure the appearance settings for the Charts on the Kyvos visualization.
Property | Description | Default value | Possible values |
discreteColors | Not used | ||
discreteDarkColors | Not used | ||
discreteLightColors | Not used | ||
colorProperties – stepCount | Not used | ||
sizeProperties - stepCount | The property specifies that the user can visualize on the basis of the size of a particular measure in the visualization. The property specifies the step count that denotes the number of sub-partitions of min size and max size specified. The bullets in the chart take size based on the no. of sub-partition. The property specifies the default value on the size shelf for step count. | 5 | Custom user-based numeric value |
sizeStart | The property enables the user to visualize on the basis of the size of a particular measure in the visualization. The property denotes the minimum size (in pixels) that the bullets will take in a chart. The property specifies the default value on the size shelf for size start. | 8 | Custom user-based numeric value. |
sizeEnd | The property enables the user to visualize on the basis of the size of a particular measure in visualization. The property denotes the maximum size (in pixels) that the bullets will take in the chart. The property specifies the default value on the size shelf for size end. | 30 | Custom user-based numeric value. |
stepType | The property specifies the default value on the size shelf for step type. | 0 | Custom user-based numeric value |
stepStartsFrom | The property denotes the starting point in the data from which size will be calculated in the chart. The property specifies default value on the size shelf starts from. | MIN | MIN/0 |
truncateChartLabels | The property controls if labels are to be truncated or not in a chart view. | true | true/false |
autoScale | The property controls the label's ability to auto-scale to data in the chart while scrolling the value axis, in visualization. If the value is false, the value axis is fixed and will not change while changing the scroll bar position. | false | true/false |
xAxisLabRotAngles | The property specifies the configuration of angles at which labels will be shown on the chart. These options are used on UI. labRotAngle – the option specifies the angle at which the label will be shown. xLabCharLimit – The option specifies after how many characters are on the specified angle, the label has to be truncated. Eg, (country_name_new…) isDefault – The option specifies by default, which angle will be selected. | [{"labRotAngle":0,"xLabCharLimit":18,"isDefault":false}, {"labRotAngle":30,"xLabCharLimit":20,"isDefault":false}, {"labRotAngle":45,"xLabCharLimit":25,"isDefault":false}, {"labRotAngle":60,"xLabCharLimit":25,"isDefault":false}, {"labRotAngle":90,"xLabCharLimit":18,"isDefault":true}] | Custom user based |
addPrefix | The property controls if labels will show prefixes like 100k or 100Mn on the chart. The prefixes are governed by prefixesOfBigNumbers property. | true | true/false |
prefixesOfBigNumbers | The property contains prefixes that will be used for big numbers to show on UI. Number – The option specifies the number range. Prefix – The option specifies the prefix to be used for the specified number range. | [{"number":1e+3,"prefix":" K"},{"number":1e+6,"prefix":" Mn"},{"number":1e+9,"prefix":" Bn"},{"number":1e+12,"prefix":" Tr"}] | Custom user based |
defaultZoomEnable | The property controls if all data or zoomed data on the chart is to be shown for rendered chart. | true | true/false |
hideBulletForLineFamily | The property controls if the bullet is to be shown on the chart or not. e.g., line chart. | true | true/false |
amchartVersion | This property is used to decide which Amchart version to be used for rendering charts in Kyvos Visualisation Layer. If the value is 3, then the charts are created with Amchart V3. Otherwise, they are created with Amchart V5. | If the property is not present in the file, then its default value is assumed as 5. | 3 or 5 |
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