Kyvos pricing on AWS Marketplace

Kyvos pricing on AWS Marketplace

The offering comes with usage-based billing and will be part of your AWS invoice. With the pay-as-you-go plan, you are charged only for the duration when the Kyvos cluster is running. The charges are determined by the number of cores in your BI Servers and Query Engines. Consequently, the instance type used for your BI Server and Query Engine will determine the cost you will incur.

Query Engines run in the following modes :

  • Full Capacity Mode

  • Moderate Mode

  • Zero Capacity Mode

By default, BI servers and Query Engines run at maximum capacity (Full Capacity Mode). If there are no queries for 30 minutes, Query Engines are switched to Moderate mode (Half capacity) and are shut down if there are no queries for the next 30 minutes.

For example, let us consider a deployment scenario with one BI Server and three Query Engines. The BI Servers are deployed on m5.4xlarge (16 cores each), and each Query Engine is deployed on r5.4xlarge (16 cores each). Therefore, the maximum number of running cores in Full Capacity Mode for an hour will be 64.

As Kyvos is monitoring the load, all the Query Engines will automatically reduce to Moderate Mode capacity (8 cores each) when there are no queries for a certain amount of time (30 minutes). The total cores running in Moderate Mode will be 40 (16 cores of BI servers and 24 cores of Query Engines).

After that, the Query Engines will automatically shut down(Zero Capacity mode) if there are no queries for the next 30 minutes. So, the cores in Zero capacity mode will be 16(BI Server).

When the Query Engines are shut down and a query comes to Kyvos, the BI Server will start the Query Engine with moderate capacity (8 cores each); the total cores would be 40. On subsequent queries, it will bring the cluster to full capacity (16 cores each, 64 cores in total).


  • You will be charged for the exact number of cores used, even if the cluster runs at a different capacity for an hour.

  • You can configure your cluster's scale-up and down rules from the Cluster Scaling page of Kyvos.

  • To understand the cost in dollar value, the default plan for Kyvos comes with a pricing of $0.41 per core per hour. If a cluster with 64 cores runs at full capacity, the approximate cost would be $26.24 per hour. For moderate capacity, the cost will be approximately $16.4 per hour. When all Query Engines are down and only one BI server is running, the cost will be approximately $6.5 per hour. You can also contact us for a private offer.

Considering the above example, the cost for the first hour would be $21.32 (Full Capacity Mode for the first 30 mins and Moderate Mode for the second 30 mins). The further cost will be $6.5 if the cluster continues to run in Zero Capacity mode (BI server's 16 cores only).

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