This property is used to identify the mode of deployed Kyvos cluster and governs the availability of certain features available to the users. For example, the Cluster Scheduling feature is not applicable if the Kyvos cluster is deployed on a single node.
Values and behavior:
STANDARD: This signifies a standard Kyvos deployment on multiple nodes.
SINGLE_NODE_STANDARD: This signifies that the Kyvos cluster is deployed on a single node with a remote cluster for processing the semantic models, and distributed file systems for storing the aggregates can be used.
SNI: This signifies that the Kyvos cluster is deployed on a single node using a pre-deployed cluster shipped via tar file. In this deployment type, semantic model processing is done on the local node, and aggregates are stored locally.
Default value:
All Kyvos deployments (including on-premise and cloud)
Comes into effect:
The Kyvos Manager provides the property value at the time of deployment and can never be updated.
Impact Area:
Cluster Scheduling and Kyvos Connections
Applicable in all environments
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