Creating automated MDX expressions using Kyvos Ginie

Creating automated MDX expressions using Kyvos Ginie

Creating calculated measures or members on top of your base metrics from data sources is one of the key aspects of any semantic model. The expression language for creating calculated measures is MDX. MDX as a language is very powerful, especially for OLAP models. However, it may not be easy for many designers and business users to write calculations using MDX. To simplify this aspect of the product, we are introducing ‘Ask Kyvos Ginie’, a GenAI-driven service that assists semantic model and report designers in Kyvos by generating MDX calculations based on natural language descriptions. All you need to do is provide natural language input about the MDX query, and an MDX query will be generated. This integration saves time and effort when creating MDX queries. Sometimes, you may get incorrect suggestions; for this, we would suggest you tweak your input to get the correct expression.

It enhances the overall user experience by facilitating the creation of calculations, offering a Quickstart for users unfamiliar with the MDX language, and enabling experienced users to generate skeletons for complex calculations.

Points to know before using GenAI-driven service (Ask Kyvos Ginie)

  • To obtain the appropriate MDX expression, you must understand the purpose of calculation in the natural language (English).

  • In the event that you receive an inaccurate MDX expression, you will need to modify the input in natural language to generate the correct MDX expression.

  • Once you have accepted the generated MDX expression, it will be used for further calculations.

  • To enable the ‘Ask Kyvos Ginie’ support, the value of the ‘enable’ attribute must be set to ‘True’ in the genai.json file, and a valid connection must be present in the file. Download the ‘genai.json' file to achieve this. To download the file, you must log in to Kyvos Manager and navigate to Utilities > Manage Configuration Files in the toolbox. On the Manage Configuration Files page, click the Web Portal folder and then click to expand the kyvos/jakarta/webapps/kyvos/client/config folder. You will see the ‘genai.json’ file that you need to download it.

  • In order to access Kyvos Ginie, the ‘genai.json’ file must contain a valid connection. The valid connection includes the attributes ‘name’, ‘provider’, ‘endPoint’, and ‘authkey.’ The 'authKey' and 'endPoint' details are specified by the provider. Additionally, for Kyvos Ginie to appear, the valid connection must have “CALCULATIONS“ added to ‘applicableUseCases’.

  • By default GenAI support is disabled, you can enable it by providing a valid connection and setting enable attribute to 'true' in the genai.json file.

  • You can use the ‘Ask Kyvos Ginie' link to create calculated measures and MDX expressions with ease. For more details about how to create calculated measures using the ‘Ask Kyvos Ginie’ service, see the Adding calculated measures for worksheet and dashboard section.

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