Crosstab view and properties

Crosstab view and properties

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

This section describes the following:

Changing crosstab view

To change to the crosstab view, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, then select a workbook and worksheet. 

  2. If needed, select the Design workspace.

  3. Select the Crosstab option from the View Type list.

  4. To see the total number of rows and columns returned from a query, right-click and select the Show Info option. If a query has color and chart dimensions both, you will view the count for each individual dimension.

View Crosstab properties 

If the Design view has Properties enabled, you will see the properties pane alongside the crosstab. By default, it is on the right. You may need to select whether you view Worksheet or Crosstab properties. Otherwise, see Configuring the Kyvos workspace to learn how to display the properties pane.

Crosstab properties pane 

You can configure the appearance of the crosstab using the following properties: 

Crosstab Property 


Crosstab Property 


Max Rows

The maximum number of rows to be displayed on the crosstab.

Max Columns

The maximum number of columns to be displayed on the crosstab. 

Repeat Member Values

Selecting this checkbox repeats the member values on the crosstab. Otherwise, the member values are displayed once. 

Response Chunk Size

Data in crosstab is fetched and rendered in chunks for best visualization. This property lets you specify the number of rows fetched in each chunk for crosstab. 

  • Automatic: The number of rows in each chunk is intelligently calculated based on dimensions and measures on visualization and properties set at the semantic model level.

  • Manual: Provide a value ranging from 1 to 10,000 to specify the number of rows in each chunk of the crosstab. 

NOTE: The chunk size you specify is applied only to this sheet. To specify the chunk size at the application level, you must use the kyvos.crosstab.response.chunksize property in the olapengine.properties file. 

Row Drill Options

Column Drill Options

Specifies whether the drilled-down view should display levels or member expansions.

  • Member Expansion

  • Level Expansion 

NOTE: When Row or Column Expansion is set to Classic, you can set the drill options to member or level. When they are set to Hierarchical, these options are not available. 

Row Expansion

Column Expansion

In the drop-down list, select either Classic or Hierarchical expansion for rows and columns. 

  • Row: When you select Classic and expand members in a row, the expanded member data is shown as a new separate column. When Hierarchical is selected, the expanded member data is shown as new indented rows.

  • Column: When you select Classic and expand members in a column, the expanded member data is shown as a separate new row. When Hierarchical is selected, the expanded member data is shown as new indented columns. 

Show Expand Collapse Button

Allows you to view plus and minus icons for expanding and collapsing rows and levels and persist expansion. 

Persist Expansion

Allows you to persist the expansions when you reopen a saved worksheet. This specifies whether detailed data is displayed in separate rows or columns from the parent data. 

Show Totals

Use this checkbox to add totals to the crosstab and specify whether the totals should be displayed at the top or bottom of the crosstab. The totals shown reflect any filters applied to the data. Select whether to show the Grand total only, or Grand total and subtotal, or both. Use the icons to select rows, columns, or both.

  • You can view totals on Row, Column, or both for crosstabs in a chart. Use the icons to specify the axis/row/column for which you want to see the totals.

  • You can also specify where the totals display, at the top or bottom of the crosstab. 

  • You can also view subtotals for a selected dimension in a crosstab by clicking the Of list.

Show Alternate Row Highlight

Allows alternate row highlighting for crosstabs. You must select any one of the following to specify which dimensions you want to highlight: 

  • Innermost Dimension: Select this option if you want to highlight alternate rows in the crosstab. 

  • Outermost Dimension: Select this option if you want to highlight the outermost value of the outermost dimension and its subsequent children using the same color.

Heatmap Properties

Click the link if the heatmap feature is enabled in your installation. See Heatmap properties to configure a heatmap.


You can set actions for a crosstab using the Options menu or by right-clicking a data item in a crosstab.

Formatting column width and alignment

You can specify the alignment for all dimensions and measures and column width for crosstabs and tables. Left, Right, and Center alignment options are supported.

You can also specify pixel-perfect width for columns in crosstabs and tables. However, for crosstab, the width setting option is not available for dimension in the column, as its cell width changes according to the width of all the measures below it.

Any changes made in the workbook are also reflected in the corresponding dashboard. Any crosstab exported to a PDF format respects the specified width and alignment settings.

To specify the content alignment and column width, perform the following steps: 

  1. Navigate to the worksheet/dashboard where you want to specify the width and alignment.

  2. Switch to the Design mode.

  3. Right-click a measure of dimension and select the Settings options from the displayed menu.                                                                                                                                                                  

  4. On the Settings dialog box, specify the Alignment and Width (in pixels), and then click Apply.                                                                                                                                                                 

  5. By default, the numbers are aligned to the right, and the text is aligned to the left.

View member information

To view the number of members present on UI, right-click on the crosstab and select the Show info option. You will then see the number of members in a row and the number of members in the column.

From Kyvos 2024.2 onwards, you can also view the parameter filters (if applied) in the 'Show Info' dialog box.

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Showing subtotal for selected dimension in crosstab

Kyvos enables the display of subtotals for a selected dimension in a crosstab. This feature allows users to manage the visibility of subtotals within the crosstab, aiding business users in avoiding large tables cluttered with unneeded totals and concentrating on the essential figures.

  1. You can hide subtotals of selective attributes present in view. 

  2. You can hide subtotals of specific hierarchy whose levels are currently displayed.

  3. You can hide subtotals of specific dimensions for both classical and hierarchical cases. 

  4. You can hide subtotals of dimensions present on both row and column axis. 

  5. Selective subtotals for dimensions will be preserved upon sheet saving. 

  6. You can export PDF with hidden subtotal of selective dimension. 

  7. You can Email with PDF attachment with hidden subtotal of the selected dimension. 

To show subtotal for selected dimension in crosstab, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, select Workbooks, then select a workbook and worksheet. 

  2. If needed, select the Design workspace.

  3. Select the Crosstab view type from the View Type list.

  4. In the Properties pane, click Show Totals.

  5. Click the Of property.

  6. The list is displayed with all dimensions. You can select or clear the dimension for which you want to view or hide the sub total.


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