Creating external resources for Kyvos on Azure

Creating external resources for Kyvos on Azure

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

You can create the Kyvos resources externally on Azure. For this, perform the steps mentioned in the sections below.


Download the Azure Installation Files folder and keep all the requisite files handy.

Kyvos Manager Node

To create the Kyvos Manager node, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to Azure Portal.

  2. Click create a virtual machine.

  3. Select the Subscription and Resource Group that you want to use.

  4. Provide the Virtual Machine name.

  5. From the Image drop-down, choose the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 - Gen 1 option (recommended).

  6. Change the Username to adminuser

  7. In SSH public key source, use the existing public key and put its value, and click Next.

  8. Create and attach a disk for the Kyvos Manager node, and click Next.

  9. Choose Virtual Network, Subnet, and Public IP (if needed).

  10. In NIC network Security Group, click Advance and then select a Security Group. Click Next.

  11. Add tags (optional).

  12. Click Review and Create.

  13. Once the machine is created, SSH on it using the credentials for the adminuser.

  14. Switch to root user using sudo -i

  15. Go to /tmp location and create a file using nano. Example- nano script.sh

  16. Download the azure_km_boot.sh script from the Azure Installation Files folder.

  17. Copy and paste the content of the script in the script.sh that you created (step 15) and save it.
    NOTE: The deployment user is any user other than kyvos, change the value of the deployment user in the script.

  18. Give executable permission to script.sh using chmod 777 script.sh command

  19. Then use ./script.sh to run the script.

  20. Run the following commands.

    yum update -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='*microsoft*' yum install -y keyutils AZCOPY_DOWNLOAD_URL=`curl -s -D- https://aka.ms/downloadazcopy-v10-linux | grep ^Location |  awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r'` curl -o /tmp/azcopy.tar.gz $AZCOPY_DOWNLOAD_URL cd /tmp/ && tar -xzvf /tmp/azcopy.tar.gz
  21. Switch to Deployment user, then go to /data/kyvos/installs location and run the following commands:

    export CLIENT_SECRET={Enter the Bundle download Client Secret} export AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET=$CLIENT_SECRET && /tmp/azcopy*/azcopy login --service-principal --application-id 78df1698-2e9e-40c9-befe-ea2203788da2 --tenant-id b9dfa905-6761-4a54-8aa0-7b7647bbafb8 && /tmp/azcopy*/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/thirdparty/2024.9/prereq/kyvosprereq.tar.gz /data/kyvos/installs/ tar -xzvf kyvosprereq.tar.gz rm -rf kyvosprereq.tar.gz jre/
  22. Run the below command with the root user. 

    keyctl new_session && /data/kyvos/installs/bin/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/thirdparty/2024.9/fontconfig/fontconfig-2.13.0-4.3.el7.x86_64.rpm /tmp/ echo yes | yum localinstall /tmp/fontconfig*.rpm
  23. Run the below command with the deployment user.

    AZCOPY_PATH="/data/kyvos/installs" $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/azcopy login --identity && $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/thirdparty/commons/kubectl $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/ --recursive chmod 777 $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/kubectl
  24. Switch to Deployment user, then go to /data/kyvos/installs location and run the following commands:

    KyvosBundleName=`export AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET=$CLIENT_SECRET && /data/kyvos/installs/bin/azcopy login --service-principal --application-id 78df1698-2e9e-40c9-befe-ea2203788da2 --tenant-id b9dfa905-6761-4a54-8aa0-7b7647bbafb8 && /data/kyvos/installs/bin/azcopy list https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/kyvossetup/2024.9/latest/` KyvosBundleName=`echo $KyvosBundleName | grep -oP 'Kyvos[^[:blank:]]*' | awk -F '.tar.gz' '{print $1".tar.gz"}' | head -1` export AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET=$CLIENT_SECRET && /data/kyvos/installs/bin/azcopy login --service-principal --application-id 78df1698-2e9e-40c9-befe-ea2203788da2 --tenant-id b9dfa905-6761-4a54-8aa0-7b7647bbafb8 && /data/kyvos/installs/bin/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/kyvossetup/2024.9/latest/$KyvosBundleName /data/kyvos/installs/ tar -xzvf $KyvosBundleName rm -rf $KyvosBundleName
  25. Run the below command with the root user. Replace $user with the deployment user name.

    chown -R $user:$user /data/kyvos/
  26. Switch to $user and run the following command:

    Go to /data/kyvos/installs/kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanager/bin
  27. Start the Kyvos Manager from the terminal.


To use the Flexible Server for Kyvos Manager, perform the following steps.

Configure the jdbc.properties of Kyvos Manager (manually) with the Flexible Server details, do the following:

  1. Before configuring the jdbc.properties, ensure that Kyvos Manager must not be started.

  2. Replace the server name in jdbc url with the server name of the Flexible server.

  3. jdbc.username must be kmdbuser.

  4. Set the value of useBundledRepo and manageBundledRepoService to ‘false.’

  5. After completing the above steps, now start the Kyvos Manager using the the ./start-km.sh command.

Kyvos Web Portal, BI Server and Query Engine Nodes

  1. Go to Azure Portal

  2. Click On create a virtual machine.

  3. Select Subscription, Resource Group, and provide the Virtual Machine name.

  4. In the Image drop-down, select the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 - Gen 1 option (recommended).

  5. Change the Username to adminuser

  6. In SSH public key source, use existing public key and put its value, and click Next.

  7. Create and attach a disk for BI/QE Installation, and click Next.

  8. Choose Virtual Network, Subnet, and Public IP (if needed).

  9. In NIC network Security Group, click Advance and then select a Security Group.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Add tags and click Review and Create.

  12. Once the machine is created, ssh on it using credentials for the adminuser.

  13. Switch to root user using sudo -I

  14. Go to /tmp

  15. Create a file using nano. Example- nano script.sh

  16. Download the azure-bi-boot and azure-qe-boot script from the Azure Installation Files folder.
    NOTE: If you download the script for Query Engine, you must specify the QE_DATA_DISK_SIZE parameter in the script.  

  17. Copy and paste the content of the script into the script.sh file (created in Step 15) and save it.

  18. Give executable permission to script.sh using chmod 777 script.sh command.

  19. Then use ./script.sh to run the script.

  20. Run the following commands one by one.

    1. Install azcopy using the following commands. Replace $user with the deployment user name.

      yum update -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='*microsoft*' yum install -y keyutils AZCOPY_DOWNLOAD_URL=`curl -s -D- https://aka.ms/downloadazcopy-v10-linux | grep ^Location | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r'` curl -o /tmp/azcopy.tar.gz $AZCOPY_DOWNLOAD_URL tar -xzvf /tmp/azcopy.tar.gz
    2. Switch to Deployment user, then go to /data/kyvos/installs location and run the following commands:

      export CLIENT_SECRET={Enter the Bundle download Client Secret} export AZCOPY_SPA_CLIENT_SECRET=$CLIENT_SECRET && /tmp/azcopy*/azcopy login --service-principal --application-id 78df1698-2e9e-40c9-befe-ea2203788da2 --tenant-id b9dfa905-6761-4a54-8aa0-7b7647bbafb8 && /tmp/azcopy*/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/thirdparty/2024.9/prereq/kyvosprereq.tar.gz /data/kyvos/installs/
    3. Run the below command with the root user. 

      rm -rf /tmp/azcopy*
    4. Switch to Deployment user, then go to /data/kyvos/installs location and run the following commands:

      tar -xzvf kyvosprereq.tar.gz rm -rf kyvosprereq.tar.gz jre/
    5. Run the below command with the root user. 

      keyctl new_session && /data/kyvos/installs/bin/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/thirdparty/2024.9/fontconfig/fontconfig-2.13.0-4.3.el7.x86_64.rpm /tmp/ echo yes | yum localinstall /tmp/fontconfig*.rpm chown -R $user:$user /data/kyvos/
    6. Run the below command with deployment user.

      AZCOPY_PATH="/data/kyvos/installs" $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/azcopy login --identity && $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/azcopy copy https://kyvosjarsservice.blob.core.windows.net/thirdparty/commons/kubectl $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/ --recursive chmod 777 $AZCOPY_PATH/bin/kubectl
    7. Configure environment variables for the Deployment user, using the commands:

      cd  vi .bashrc  export PATH=<install path>/kyvosmanager_war/kyvosmanager/jre/bin/: /data/kyvos/installs/bin:$PATH  export JAVA_HOME=/data/kyvos/app/jre  source .bashrc

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