Managing Kyvos Reporting License

Managing Kyvos Reporting License

Kyvos Manager allows you to update the license for Kyvos Reporting in a cluster that has already been deployed. The Kyvos Reporting license determines the maximum number of users that can access the Kyvos Reporting Portal, as well as the maximum number of reports that can be executed within the Kyvos Reporting Portal.

To upload a new Kyvos Reporting License file, perform the following steps.

  1. Click the cluster name > License  > Kyvos Reporting License on the navigation page.

  2. If you already have a license, or once you receive the new license file, use the Change License link to select the license file from your computer. 

  3. The Kyvos Reporting License file, received from the Kyvos Support Team, can be uploaded through the Upload License dialog. The license start and end dates will be displayed after uploading.

  4. The license will be uploaded at a temporary location. Click the Apply button to apply for license details.


  • You MUST restart the Kyvos Reporting Services for the new license to come into effect.

  • You can see the last operation details, including progress status and start time.  To view more comprehensive details, simply click the  View Details link, which will take you to the Operations page where you can view the operation information in detail. 

You can also view the license information on the License page of the Kyvos Reporting Portal.


For more information about the License page, see Intellicus documentation.

On the Kyvos Reporting Portal, you can view a notification that states the license validity information 30 days prior to the expiry date on the Home page.


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