Accessing Kyvos on your Mobile Device

Accessing Kyvos on your Mobile Device

Kyvos now supports the Kyvos Viewer on mobile devices. This enhancement allows you to stay connected and manage your work more efficiently, no matter where you are.


First-time login

To log in to Kyvos on a Mobile device, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Web browser on your mobile.

  2. Copy the Kyvos URL into the address bar of your web browser. The Kyvos Sign in screen is displayed.

  3. Enter the username and password you used to log in to your Kyvos Desktop application. You have now logged in to Kyvos on your mobile device.


When you log in to Kyvos through your mobile device for the first time, you'll see a message informing you that worksheets can be opened in read-only mode with limited functionality. For a full-view mode experience, you can access the desktop app, provided you have the necessary roles and privileges.

Kyvos on Mobile Device

The Kyvos SaaS Dashboard is divided into three panes. 

  1. Title bar

  2. Access bar

  3. Display area for worksheet or Dashboard


Title bar







The Kyvos SaaS Portal has a menu bar that provides a structured and intuitive way to access various Home and Workbooks menu items.

Clicking the Menu Toolbox will display the following menu items:

  • Home: View the recently opened worksheet or Dashboard.

  • Workbooks: Open the worksheet or Dashboard associated to the workbook and perform the required action.


Help icon

Click the help icon to access Kyvos documentation.


User menu

Click the user menu to perform the following functions

  • Change password: Click this option to change your application password.
    See the Changing your password section for more details.

  • Preferences: Click this option to view the available preferences,

  • Sign out: Click this option to exit from the Kyvos application.
    See the Signing out section for details.

Menu items

Access bar

The Action bar contains the following:

  • Name of the opened worksheet or dashboard is displayed along with a list of actions to perform.

    • Share via link

    • Refresh

    • Add Note or Tag

  • Shortcut: Click the Shortcut icon to create or apply predefined shortcut for worksheet or Dashboard

  • Action menu (): Click the actions menu to a view a list of all associated worksheets and dashboards. Click the required worksheet or dashboard to open it.

  • Options: Click this button to perform actions.


Display area for worksheet or Dashboard

The worksheet or dashboard you open is in read-only mode. You can perform certain actions on worksheet or dashboard.

Supported functionalities for working with Worksheet or Dashboard

Available option


Applicable to Worksheet

Applicable to Dashboard

Available option


Applicable to Worksheet

Applicable to Dashboard

Share via link

To share the worksheet or Dashboard link if you have rights to share it.


To export your worksheet data to CSV and PDF format.

Show/Hide Maximize Icon

To show or hide the Maximize Icon for a worksheet.

Show Data

To view data in a detailed view or with all columns


To keep your data up-to-date with the refresh feature.

Add Note or Tag

To enhance your worksheets by adding or viewing notes for better collaboration and understanding.

Set as landing page

To set the dashboard as your landing page for quick navigation.


To apply or change filters that are created using the Kyvos Desktop application.

Clear all

To clear all applied filters

Accessing Filters on Worksheet and Dashboard

You will view the Show Filters option only when some filters are created using the Kyvos Designer Desktop application.


The number of filters applied on the worksheet or Dashboard will display on the filter header. For example, if 2 filters are applied on the worksheet, in the case, the filter header shows the link as ‘2 Filters Applied’.





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