Managing subscriptions

Managing subscriptions

Users (Account Owners) can create a subscription that organizes your clusters, with each cluster allowed to use funds from its respective subscriptions. For example, a customer using Kyvos SaaS Portal may have various clusters for different purposes. They can either retain all their clusters within the automatically created default subscription or create a separate subscription to segregate clusters and their associated charges for using Kyvos services.

Users can create an unlimited number of subscriptions and clusters as required, with no limit on creation. 


  • When you sign up for the application for the first time, you will receive a generous starting gift: a default subscription (Kyvos-Subscription-1) with a balance of $500.

  • Cost to the cluster will be deducted from the individual subscription through which the cluster is being created. 

  • A subscription must have a minimum balance of $100 to create and use Kyvos clusters.

  • Funds can be added through the payment gateway.

To manage subscriptions:

Viewing subscription details

You can view a list of added subscriptions in the Subscriptions section.

To view subscriptions, perform the following steps.

  1. Enter Kyvos SaaS Portal URL.

  2. On the navigation bar, click Subscriptions. The Subscriptions page is displayed. A list of subscriptions created by the users is displayed in the Subscriptions section.

  3. Clicking a subscription will display the following details on the right of the page.

    • Status: Displays the current state of the subscription.

    • Subscription Plan: Displays a subscription plan as prepaid.

    • Your Balance: Displays the current balance you have added to that subscription. If your balance is low, add more funds using the Add Funds option.

  4. You can also view the overview, cost analysis, and Transaction History tabs for further details of the selected subscription.

Creating a new subscription

To create a new subscription, perform the following steps.

  1. On the navigation bar, click Subscriptions.

  2. Click the New button to create a new subscription.

  3. On the New Subscription dialog box, enter the Subscription Name.
    NOTE: The subscription name must start with three alphabetic characters, followed by alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores, or dashes. It can be a maximum of 50 characters.

  4. Enter Subscription Description details, if any.

  5. Click the Subscribe button to create a new subscription. The subscription is created and listed on the Subscriptions page. You can also click Cancel to exit from the New Subscription dialog box.


Adding funds

To add funds, perform the following steps.

  1. On the navigation bar, click Subscriptions.

  2. Select the newly created subscription from the panel.

  3. Click the Add Funds option to add funds to the newly created subscription.


  4. Enter the amount in numeric—for example, 1000.

  5. Enter remarks, if any.

  6. Click the Proceed to add funds button to redirect to the Strip payment gateway.

  7. Enter card information (debit card or credit card) as:

    • Card number.

    • The card end date is in [MM/YY] format.

    • CVV number (CVV is a 3-digit number displayed on the back of the card)

    • Account holder name.

    • Select a country or region from the list.

  8. Click the Pay button to complete the payment. A confirmation message will show that the entered amount has been added to the subscription.

  9. Click the Close button. You can now view the added funds under Your Balance.


You can add funds to the default subscription after $500 with a minimum balance of $1.

The cluster status is as failed, started, starting, stopping, or offline. 


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