Exporting a dashboard or card

Exporting a dashboard or card

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

Kyvos allows you to export information from a dashboard in a variety of formats. Use this feature to create a snapshot of your data for the current moment.

You can export:

  • The dashboard view to a PDF or image file 

  • A single card from the dashboard to a PDF or CSV file

  • Multiple cards from the dashboard to CSV file

Exported information can optionally include the title, card, and filter information. Card and filter information are displayed on subsequent pages. 

To email a dashboard, see Sharing an object.

Exporting dashboard to PDF

To export a dashboard to PDF, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, choose Workbooks and select a workbook.

  2. Create or select an existing dashboard.

  3. From the Options menu at the top right, choose Export.

  4. From the File Format, choose the PDF option.

  5. Select the Include Dashboard Title and Include Card Information checkboxes if you want these included in the PDF.

  6. Click Export.

    Export as PDF.png

Exporting dashboard as an image

To export a dashboard as an image, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, choose Workbooks and select a workbook.

  2. Create or select an existing dashboard.

  3. From the Options menu at the top right, choose Export.

  4. From the File Format, choose the Image option.

  5. Select the Include Dashboard Title and Include Card Information checkboxes if you want these included in the image.

  6. Select the Image Format from PNG or JPG.

  7. Click Export.

    Export as Image.png

Exporting a single card from a dashboard

To export a single card from a dashboard, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, choose Workbooks and select a workbook.

  2. Create or select an existing dashboard.

  3. Click the (  ) menu on the card you want to export and choose Export.

  4. For Format, choose PDF or CSV.

    1. For PDF: choose to export the viz. image (the visualization) and data (in tabular view) or just the visualization.

    2. For CSV: choose the line and field separators and optionally, the enclosed separators. Select whether to include the header and keep the measure formatting.

  5. Click the checkbox to Zip the export results.

  6. Click Export.

Export multiple cards from a dashboard

To export multiple data cards from a dashboard, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, choose Workbooks and select a workbook.

  2. Create or select an existing dashboard.

  3. From the Options menu at the top right, choose Export. The Export dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click CSV. A list of all dashboard data cards is displayed. Select the required data card that you want to export.

  5. In the Export View section , you can configure all the CSV properties.

Click Export. The data cards will be exported in a single bundle in zipped format, with one CSV file per card.


Selecting filter cards for exporting

You can hide cards for PDF or Image format. For CSV, you can deselect data cards that you do not want to export.

To select filter cards for exporting, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Toolbox, choose Workbooks and select a workbook.

  2. Create or select an existing dashboard.

  3. From the Options menu at the top right, choose Export. The Export dialog box is displayed.
    For PDF or Image


    For CSV

  4. In the Export dialog box, you can clear the checkbox to deselect any data cards that are not needed.

  5. When you click Export only the selected cards will be exported.

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