Components of Kyvos Manager Dashboard

Components of Kyvos Manager Dashboard

In this section, you will learn about the components of the Kyvos Manager Dashboard.





Single Node Installation

Node Details

Node Utilization

App Master and YARN Query Engines

External Repository

If External Repository is used.

Kyvos Manager Instances

If Kyvos Manager Instance is used

If Kyvos Manager Instance is used

Delete Cluster

Applicable only to non-Marketplace

Title bar icons

You can also view cluster-related information using the following icons provided on the top-right of the page.







Clicking the Help icon will displays the following:

  • Documentation: Click this link to view Kyvos online documentation and help relevant to the application.

  • Kyvos Manager Process Details: Clicking this link will show the Kyvos Manager Process ID, the date and time of starting of Kyvos Manager, and the Home Directory path of the Kyvos Manager.

  • Support: Clicking this link will show you the email address of the Kyvos support. You can write to Kyvos support at: support@kyvos.io

  • About: Clicking this link will display the build version and build date and time of Kyvos, Kyvos Reporting, Kyvos Manager Agent, Kyvos Manager. Additionally, for more details about the build, click the Release Notes link.



Clicking this icon shows the Kyvos Manager Dashboard, which is the home page.
See the Kyvos Manager Dashboard section for more details.



Clicking this icon lists recently performed operations on the cluster. Click the View Details link to view the corresponding operations details page. Alternatively, click the View All option to view the section for more details.




Clicking this icon displays alerts, notification configurations, and how to set up rules that specify alert and warning threshold levels for CPU, disk, and memory utilization, such as high, medium, or low.

  • Mark as Complete: Click the link to mark this notification as completed. Once marked, it will not appear in the notification section.

  • Restart: Click the link to restart Query Engine on configured nodes. Enter your Kyvos Manager password to restart the Query Engine.

  • Manage Subscriptions: Click the button opens the ‘Manage Subscription’ dialog box, where you can perform the following:

    • Subscribe users for email alert notification

    • Configure rules for alerts.

For more details, see the Configuring alerts and notification section.



User menu

Clicking this icon shows the following options:

  • Cluster details: Click this option to view the current cluster details. You can also click View All Details to Cluster Snapshot.

  • Change Password: Click this option to change the current password. See the Changing Password section for more details.

  • Sign out: Click this option to exit from the application. See the Signing out of the Kyvos Manager section for details.

You can also perform the following actions on the right of the Kyvos Manager Dashboard.

Cluster actions

Actions Menu: Click the Actions menu (…) to perform cluster actions. See the Cluster actions section for more details.

Filtering nodes

You can filter the nodes in the cluster on the basis of their current state using the Filter box in the Cluster Overview area.


Searching nodes

The intelligent search feature in Kyvos Manager displays the search results simultaneously as you type in the Search box.


Refreshing Content

Refresh Button: Refresh the content manually by clicking Refresh Now. The content also auto-refreshes after 120 seconds. You can stop auto refreshing the content by clicking the Stop Auto Refresh option.

Viewing Kyvos services and node usage details

The Kyvos Manager dashboard shows a summary of each node instance configured in the cluster.

The home page shows the following sections

These sections provide a snapshot of the Kyvos cluster deployed in your environment. You can see the details of all the nodes instances configured in the cluster, along with their status. 

Additionally you can view a summary of the node usage, such as CPU, Memory, and Installation Disk usage for Kyvos Core Services and Kyvos Reporting Services components.

Kyvos Core Services


You will see a number corresponding to each component of the cluster indicating the number of instances or nodes on which the component is configured.

For example, the following figure shows 1 instances for BI Server, 3 Query Engine, 2 Web Portal, 1 Postgres Server, 1 Zookeepers, and 6 KM Agent instances.

You can also click following links on the right of the Kyvos Manager Dashboard.

  • External Repository: This option is displayed only when an external repository is configured for Kyvos.


    Clicking the External Repository Details link opens the information about the configured repository for Kyvos. Hover over the mouse to the dialog box, the Cross icon image-20240304-103451.png will be displayed. Click it to exit the dialog box.

  • Kyvos Web Portal link


Click the link to open the Kyvos Web Portal directly from Kyvos Manager.


  • In cloud-based environments where Load Balancer is configured for Kyvos, clicking the Kyvos Web Portal link will open the Load Balancer URL.

  • When the Load Balancer is not configured for Kyvos, clicking the Kyvos Web Portal link will open the URL of any of the Kyvos Web Portal (in case multiple Kyvos Web Portal nodes).

  • Nodes usage
    Hover over the mouse on the installation Disk usage details will display the following links.

    • Start Services

    • Stop Services

    • Show Disk Usage

    • Delete Node

      • Start/Stop Services: When you click the Start or Stop Services option, the following dialog box is displayed. Select the services that you want to start or stop, and then enter your Kyvos Manager password to start or stop services.

      • Show Disk Usage: Click the link to open the Disk Usage dialog box and view disk usage information for the selected node.

        • Refresh All: To refresh the content for all nodes that appear in the Nodes section.

        • Show Description: To view the details of the selected node.

      • Delete Node: Use this option to delete the node. Before deleting the node, ensure the following:

        • The selected node must not affect high availability. To delete the node, you need to migrate the services.

        • The node on which the Kyvos Manager service is installed cannot be deleted.

        • The node on which the Postgres Server is running in the cluster on the node cannot be deleted.


You can view the disk usage of any node by selecting it from the Node section.

Kyvos Reporting Services

The Kyvos Reporting Services section will be displayed on the Kyvos Manager Dashboard only when the Kyvos Reporting component is deployed.
For further details, see the Kyvos Reporting section.



To add a Kyvos Reporting Service,

  • For scaling supported environments, click here.

  • For environments that do not support scaling, click here.

In the Installation Disk column, you can view node usage details. Additionally, you can also start, restart, or stop individual Kyvos Reporting Service components by clicking the Action menu (...).

After adding Kyvos Reporting Service component, you will see the Kyvos Reporting section on the Dashboard. Click the Kyvos Reporting Service link to open the Kyvos Reporting Portal directly from Kyvos Manager. You need to Sign in to Kyvos Reporting Dashboard. See the Signing In section for more details.

After signing in, the Kyvos Reporting Dashboard is displayed.


You can access, create, and customize reports to derive insights tailored to your business needs.

Kyvos Manager Services- High Availability

Kyvos Manager supports high availability in case of instance failure and immediately another instance will be active to serve the requirement.

If Kyvos Manager HA is enabled, the Kyvos Manager Nodes section is displayed. To enable Kyvos Manager HA, set the ENABLE_KM_HA property to ‘Yes’ from Kyvos Manager. By default, this property is set to 'No', which means that the Kyvos Manager HA mode is disabled and Kyvos Manager Nodes section will not be displayed on the Kyvos Manager Dashboard.


For more details, see the Kyvos Manager High Availability section.

YARN based App Master and Query Engine details

YARN App Master and Query Engines are displayed on Dashboard page of Kyvos Manager.


To view App Master details, click the i icon. The following information is displayed.


Sorting columns in tables

You can sort a column in ascending or descending order by clicking the column header. A small arrow is displayed on the column at which sorting is applied.


Service status legends

Legends depict the status of cluster services and cluster nodes using color coding. Each color of the legend shows the status of services and nodes of the cluster, as shown in the following figure.

Node status legend

The various states of nodes are:

  • Running:  Indicates cluster node is working correctly.

  • Stopped: Indicates cluster node is stopped.

  • Inactive: Indicates cluster node is inactive. You can activate or deactivate a node on the cluster, as explained.

  • Unknown: Indicates cluster node is unavailable, or Kyvos Manager is not able to fetch the node status.


Indicates Low, High, or Moderate node usage for CPU, memory and installation disk.

  • Low indicates usage below warning level.

  • Moderate indicates usage in warning level.

  • High indicates usage in critical level.

Whenever an operation is performed on the cluster, the state is displayed on the header and can have any of the following states:

  • Deploying: Indicates a cluster is being set up.

  • Registering: Indicates the status of cluster components is registered.

  • Deployment Error: Indicates an error thrown during the cluster setup.

  • Running: Indicates a cluster is up and running.

  • Critical: Indicates a critical error or issue with two possible reasons:

    • Any node of the cluster is working with utilization above alert levels.

    • Any service is down.

  • Warning: Indicates a cluster is running above the warning level but below the alert levels.

  • Maintenance: Indicates a node undergoing maintenance.

  • Removing: Indicates that the cluster is in the process of being removed.


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