Semantic model designer related properties
The properties listed here allow you to configure the appearance settings for the semantic model designer pages on the Kyvos Web portal.
Property | Description | Current Value | Possible values |
geoRole | In the Semantic Model use case, there are options to create a geography-based hierarchy in dimensions, This property controls name, value, and display value for predefined geo roles that are used to display on UI | [{"name": "Continent", "displayValue": "Continent", "value": "CONTINENT", "level": 1}, {"name": "Country", "displayValue": "Country", "value": "COUNTRY", "level": 2},{"name": "Province", "displayValue": "Province", "value": "PROVINCE", "level": 3}{"name": "State", "displayValue": "State", "value": "STATE", "level": 3},{"name": "County", "displayValue": "County", "value": "COUNTY", "level": 4},{"name": "City", "displayValue": "City", "value": "CITY", "level": 5},{"name": "PostalCode", "displayValue": "PostalCode", "value": "POSTAL_CODE", "level": 6}] | Custom user-defined |
timeTypeHierarchy | In the semantic model use case, there are options to create a time type hierarchy in dimensions; this property controls the name, value, and display value for a predefined time type hierarchy that is used on the property panel of semantic model on UI | [ {"name": "Year-Month-Day", "value": "Y-M-D", "displayValue":"Year-Month-Day"}, {"name": "Year-Quarter-Month-Day", "value": "Y-Q-M-D", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Month-Day"}, {"name": "Year-Quarter-Week-Day", "value": "Y-Q-W-D", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Week-Day"}, {"name": "Year-Quarter-Month", "value": "Y-Q-M", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Month"}, {"name": "Year-Quarter-Month-Week-Day", "value": "Y-Q-M-W-D", "displayValue":"Year-Quarter-Month-Week-Day"} ] | Custom user-defined |
locationTypeHierarchy | In the semantic model use case, there are options to create a location-based hierarchy in dimensions. This property controls name, value, and display value for a predefined location type hierarchy that is used to display on the semantic model on UI | [ {"name": "Country-State", "value": "C-S", "displayValue":"Country-State"}, {"name": "Country-State-City", "value": "C-S-C", "displayValue":"Country-State-City"}, {"name": "Country-State-County", "value": "C-S-Co", "displayValue":"Country-State-County"}, {"name": "Country-State-County-City", "value": "C-S-Co-C", "displayValue":"Country-State-County-City"}, {"name": "Country-State-City-PostalCode", "value": "C-S-C-Z", "displayValue":"Country-State-City-PostalCode"},{"name": "Country-State-County-PostalCode", "value": "C-S-Co-Z","displayValue":"Country-State-County-PostalCode"} ] | Custom user-defined |
quickAnalysis | In quick analysis workflow, we auto-create semantic model; this property controls the threshold for auto creation of semantic model elements like dimension, attributes, and level combined and attributes in quick analysis. maxDimensions - max count up to which dimension will be created maxAttributeLevels - max count up to which levels and attributes will be created attributeThreshold - max count up to which attributes will be created | "cube": { "maxDimensions": 15, "maxAttriuteLevels": 100, "attributeThreshold": 8 } | Custom user-defined |
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