Creating Kyvos resources for Azure through Kyvos Manager and deploying cluster with Kyvos Native
Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace
Kyvos Azure Marketplace Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)
To create Kyvos resources for creating an ARM template for use in automated deployment, perform the following steps.
To create a Kyvos Manager node, go to metadata.json file in the <install dir>/kyvosmanager/cloud/azure/templates folder and set the value for showKMNode as true.
The Managed Identity attached to the Kyvos Manager node must have reader rights on the Resource Group to create an ARM template for Azure automated deployment.
Access the Kyvos Installer using the URL and credentials provided by the Kyvos Support Team or use the default credentials admin | admin. If you do not have the URL, click here to contact support.
To create resources for installing Kyvos services like BI Server and Query Engine on the Azure environment, select the I want to create resources option on the Kyvos Installer page.
Click Create Resources. This displays the Create Resources wizard.
Here, select the services for which you want to create resources and provide information as:
NOTE: Resources will be created only for selected services. If you have pre-created resources for any of the services, you can uncheck them and configure them while installing Kyvos.
Parameter/Field | Remarks/Description |
Create VNET | Select this checkbox to create a new virtual network with the deployment. |
Create Security Group | Select this checkbox to create a new Network Security Group with the deployment. |
Virtual machine(s) for BI Server | You cannot clear this check box. Here define:
Virtual machine(s) for Query Engine | Select this option to create virtual machines for Kyvos query engines, and define:
Web portal high availability | Select to enable Kyvos web portal high availability.
Virtual machine for Kyvos Manager | Clear this option if you create stack for the wizard-based deployment. |
External Repository for Kyvos | Select to create a PostgreSQL-based repository using Azure. Otherwise, the pre-bundled PostgreSQL-based Kyvos repository will be used.
Create Storage Account | Select this option to create ABFS Account and Container for storing Kyvos output, and define:
Compute Cluster | Select the Kyvos Native option from the list. |
Kyvos Native Type | Select one of the following options from the list.
NOTE: A new Kubernetes cluster will be used as a compute server to process semantic models. |
Enhance Storage Account High Availability | Select this checkbox to create Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS). |
Kyvos Cluster Deployment with Load Balancer | The checkbox is selected by default if Web Portal high availability is enabled, or if a non-peered network exists between Kyvos and Databricks, the Kyvos cluster will be deployed with a load balancer. NOTE: If Web Portal high availability is not enabled, or if a peered network exists between Kyvos and Databricks, the Kyvos cluster will not be deployed with a load balancer. In this case, the checkbox is selected, but you can also clear it as per the requirement. |
Use Custom Image | Select this option to use a custom image of your environment for deploying the Kyvos cluster. Custom images can be used to bootstrap deployment tasks like preloading applications, application configurations, and other configurations. NOTE:
Deploy with Enhanced Security | Enhanced security enables advanced security for Storage Accounts, Key Vaults, and Virtual machines. |
Credit based deployment | Select this option if you want to use credit-based licensing and your environment does not have pre-created credit information-related resources. |
Release Type Preferences | Select Kyvos Release as General Availability (GA) and Alpha. |
Click Next. The Review and Download Template dialog box is displayed with details of all the settings that you selected.
Review all the settings, and click the BACK button if you want to make any changes.
Function Deployment will always be created with the cluster resources being created to enable scheduling feature in the cluster.
To continue, click the Download Template button to download the Azure resources template.
Click the Open Azure Resource Manager link to access the Azure portal to upload this template to your Azure environment to create resources.
Sign in to your Azure account having requisite permissions, as mentioned in the prerequisites.
On the Custom Deployment page, click the Process your own template in the editor option.
On the Edit Template page, click Load File, and upload your template. The Template is loaded.
Click Save.
The Deployment page is loaded with parameters required for deployment.
Fields marked * are mandatory.
Parameter | Description |
Subscription* | Your account subscription. |
Resource Group* | Enter the name of your resource group. The resource group is a collection of resources that share the same lifecycle, permissions, and policies. |
Virtual Network Name* | Name of Virtual Network in which your VMs will run. |
VM Subnet Name* | Name of Subnet in which your VMs will run. This Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. |
ApplicationGatewaySubnetName * | Name of the Subnet in which Application Gateway will be created. The Subnet should be part of the above Virtual Network. NOTE: This parameter will display only if an existing VPC is used for deployment. |
Flexible Server Subnet Name
| Name of the Subnet in which Flexible Server will be created. The Subnet should be a part of above Virtual Network. |
Virtual Network Resource Group Name* | Name of Resource Group in which Virtual Network and Subnet are deployed. |
Security Group Name* | Name of the Security group that can be used to access the VMs. |
Security Group Resource Group Name* | Name of the Resource Group in which the Security Group is deployed. |
Enable Managed Identity Creation | Select True to create a new managed identity for Kyvos. |
Managed Identity Name* | Enter the name of the User-Managed Identity to be attached to all Kyvos VMs. |
Managed Identity Resource Group Name | Name of the Resource Group in which Managed Identity is deployed. |
Kyvos Work Directory | Enter the path for the Kyvos work directory. |
SSH Public Key* | Provide an RSA public key in the single-line format (starting with "ssh-rsa") or the multi-line PEM format. |
Additional Tags | Enter the additional tags to put on all resources. |
Storage Account Name | Enter the name of the Storage Account to be used for Kyvos. |
Storage Account Container Name | Enter the name of the Container in the Storage Account which will be used for Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixVirtualMachines | Enter a custom prefix that you want to append before the name of the virtual machines to be used for Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixVPC | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of VPC in case a new VPC is created for use with Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixNSG | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of the Network Security Group in case a new group is created for use with Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixKeyVault | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of Key Vault in case a new Key Vault is created for use with Kyvos. |
CustomPrefixScaleSet | Enter the custom prefix you want to append before the name of Scaleset that will be created for use with Kyvos. |
Vault URL | Provide the URL for your existing Azure Key vault. If the Key Vault is not provided, Kyvos will create a new Key Vault named kyvosvault<XXXXX>. Here, XXXXX is a unique five-digit identity generated as a suffix to the Kyvos vault. |
Vault Resource Group | Name of Resource group in which the Key Vault is deployed. |
Log Analytics Workspace Resource ID
| Resource ID of the existing Log Analytics Workspace. NOTE: If you want to create a new Log Analytics Workspace, leave the value blank. |
Azure Function Crontab | Crontab entry to call Azure functions for use with cluster scheduling. Default value: [utcNow('u')] |
Custom Prefix Scale Set
| Enter the prefix to be append before Scale Set. The name can be up to 60 characters long. It must begin with a word character, and it must end with a word character. |
Storage Account Resource Group | Enter the name of the Resource Group in which the Storage Account is deployed. |
Virtual Machine Type for Kyvos Postgres | Virtual Machine Type which will be launched |
Enable HA For Kyvos Postgres | Enable High Availability for Kyvos PostgreSQL pricing tier. |
Backup Retention for Kyvos Postgres | Number of days the backup should be kept for Kyvos PostgreSQL. The value can be between 7 to 35. |
SSH Private Key* | Provide the RSA private key in the single-line format. |
Kyvos Cluster Name | Provide a name for your Kyvos cluster. |
Kyvos Installation Path
| Provide the installation path to be used for deploying the Kyvos cluster. |
Postgres Password* | Provide the value of the password used for Postgres |
License File Value* | Enter a valid Kyvos License. |
Secret Key For Kyvos Bundle Download* | Enter the Secret key to access the Kyvos bundle. |
Firewall Ip White List | Provide a comma-separated list of the IP rules to be set for the Key Vault and Azure Storage Account. |
Dns Label Prefix | Unique DNS Name for the Public IP used to access the Virtual Machine. |
Perform Env Validation | Select True to perform environment validation before cluster deployment to ensure all the resources are created correctly. |
Host Name Based Deployment | Select True to use hostnames instead of IP Addresses for instances during cluster deployment. |
Worker Instance Type | Enter Worker Instance Type |
Min Pod Count | Enter required number of Pod count. |
Max Worker Node Count | Enter maximum number of worker nodes. |
Private Dns Zone Resource ID | Resource ID of existing Private DNS Zone which will be used with Flexible Server. If you want to create new Private DNS Zone, leave the value blank. |
Object Id of Service Principal* | The Object ID assigned to the Service principal. This maps to the ID inside the Active Directory. |
Azure Postgres Server Sku Tier | Azure Database for PostgreSQL pricing tier. |
SSH public key source | Select the required option from the SSH public key source list. |
Enable Public IP | Select True to enable Public IP for the Kyvos Web portal. |
Type of Public IP | Type of Public IP address for Kyvos Web portal from Dynamic or Static. |
Click Review + Create .
The system validates your inputs and displays a summary of the provided inputs. To continue with deployment, click Create.
This creates all the resources and services required for deploying the Kyvos cluster.
Next: Cluster installation using resources created for Azure through stack
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