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Viewing related entities

Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise  Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS) Kyvos AWS Marketplace

Kyvos Azure Marketplace   Kyvos GCP Marketplace Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)

You can view related entities from different areas of Kyvos.

To view related entities, perform the following steps: 

  1. From the Toolbox, click an object type such as Files.

  2. Right-click the file name from the list and click Show Related Entities.
    For worksheets and dashboards, click the Actions menu (...) and select Show Related Entities.

  3. Right-click a file or other object type to expand its details, filter, or open the item in a separate window.

  • You can choose which details to view (immediate or all) and specify the Source, Dependent, or Both details. When you click a detail item, the non-related items are dimmed. When you click the background of the page, all items are once again selectable.

    • When you filter, you can choose to Keep self or Keep lineage.

    • Optionally, you can choose to Open the item in a separate window.

    • You can also right-click and select Delete to delete an entity.

You can also click the Actions menu (...) for some object types such as semantic models, and choose Show Related Entities.

To use the minimap, perform the following steps: 

  • When viewing a complex entity, use the minimap at the bottom of the window to see the full relationship. You can also scroll in the minimap.

  • Use the controls at the bottom left of the window to zoom in or out, hide or reveal the minimap, fit the image to zoom, or refresh the image.

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