Applies to: Kyvos Enterprise
Kyvos Cloud (SaaS on AWS)
Kyvos AWS Marketplace
Kyvos Azure Marketplace
Kyvos GCP Marketplace
Kyvos Single Node Installation (Kyvos SNI)
Using the Activity Monitor, you can view and cancel processes and queries. You can also filter completed processes to more easily find specific processes.
You can monitor Kyvos BI server data including port, instance name, role, and memory usage. When you click Details, you can view the following information about completed and running processes:
Completed processes
The Instance Name of the Kyvos BI Server which served the request
Semantic model Name, Cache State, Query Type, and Query for MDX and SQL
Semantic model Name and Cache State for Kyvos worksheet
Log details
Running processes
Semantic model Name, Cache Type, and Query for running MDX and SQL
Semantic model Name and Cache State for Kyvos worksheet
Completed Processes
The Completed Processes tab displays completed items as well as failed and canceled processes.
Here, you can perform any of the following operations:
To view an MDX or SQL query, double-click the query.
To view the reason for failed queries, right-click the process and click Show Query Details to view details about the failure. If the failure is a query, you will see the query code.
To view build notes, right-click the process and click Show Notes. If there are no notes available, you will see a notification.
To sort fields, click a column header. By default, results are sorted based on completion time.
To analyze a query, right-click on the query row and choose Analyze Query. A detailed dashboard is displayed in a separate tab. You can also analyze a query from a cube.
To view logs, right-click the process and select the Download Logs option. The log file is downloaded and saved on your computer.
Click the Actions menu (...) menu at the top of the window to Generate thread dump logs.
Running Processes
The Running Processes tab displays all the processes currently being executed.
Here, you can perform any of the following operations.
To view a SQL or MDX query, in the Running Processes tab or in the Completed Processes tab, right-click the query and choose Show Query Details.
To view the status of a running process in the Running Processes tab, right-click the query and choose Build Status.
To cancel a running Kyvos, MDX, or SQL query, in the Running Processes tab, right-click the query and choose Cancel Query.
To cancel a running drop partition job, in the Running Processes tab, right-click the query and choose Cancel Job.
Reporting an issue to Kyvos
From Kyvos 2023.5 onwards, for Completed Processes, you can report an issue that occurred during a query execution. Additionally, you can report on the semantic model an issue that occurred during the execution of the job. You will view a Report an Issue link. Click the link, and it will open a Report an Issue dialog box. The error summary file is attached by default. You can also upload an error summary file specific to that error.
To report an issue, perform the following steps.
Select the Monitor from the Toolbox. The Monitor page is displayed.
Click the Completed Processes tab. Double-click the Failed status in the Status column, which will open the Job Summary dialog.
In the Job Summary dialog, click the Report an Issue link at the bottom of the page.
The Report an Issue dialog box is displayed.
On the Report an Issue dialog, you can do the following:
Summary of the issue is displayed by default. You can modify the summary as needed.
Describe the issue in details description by default. You can modify the description as needed.
The error summary is attached by default, and hence the Upload button is disabled by default. It is enables only when you click Choose file to upload a specific summary file as needed for better understanding of the error.
Enter your email address where you would like to receive notifications and acknowledgments.
Similarly, you can report an issue for Semantic model query details. To do this, in the Filter column, click Action, and then select the Semantic Model processes to report an issue in case of an error.
Double-click the Failed status in the Status column, which will open the Job Summary dialog. In the Job Summary dialog, click the Report an Issue link at the bottom of the page.