Parameter/Field | Comments/Description |
Enable TLSNetwork Communication | Select to enable secure communication (TLS) between client and server.
HTTP Protocol | Select the HTTP Protocol to use. Before enabling HTTP2, ensure that the prerequisites are completed. |
TLS Protocol | Select the version for SSL/TLS protocol to be used. For multiple versions, select the corresponding check boxes. |
TLS Certificate mode | Select the certificate mode. You can upload a file or provide the path. |
Keystore | Provide the location of the keystore file. This file is used by the server when secure communication is enabled and required by the client when mutual authentication is enabled. |
Keystore Private Key | Enter the keystore password. |
Truststore | Provide the location (path) to read the trust store file. This file is required by the client when secure communication is enabled and required by the server when mutual authentication is enabled. |
Truststore Private Key | Enter the truststore password. |
Cipher Suite | Enter the encryption algorithm to be used for communication over the TLS layer. |
Enable Mutual Authentication | Select to enable mutual authentication. |
Kyvos Web Portal Configuration Certificate | Use Same Certificate as TLS: Select to use the same certificate for TLS and Web portal authentication. |
HTTP2 Configuration | APR Lib Path: Provide the absolute path for Apache Portable Runtime library. |
Attributes for HTTP2 over TLS connector | Here, provide values for the following parameters: