Email From Address
This property is to set sets the email address which that will be displayed as the from (sender’s) address in the mailsemails.
Default: Intellicus Kyvos Reporting Automated Reporting System <>
Example: EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=Intellicus Kyvos Reporting Automated Reporting System <>
Job Success Mail To
When a scheduled job is successfully completed, Intellicus Kyvos Reporting can notify users about successful completion. Specify email IDs where mails should be sent in case a schedule is successfully implemented. Make use of comma or semi colon to separate two email IDs.
Job Success Mail Subject
When a scheduled job is successfully completed, Intellicus Kyvos Reporting can notify users about successful completion. Specify here subject that the mail should carry.
Example: JOB_SUCCESS_MAIL_SUBJECT=Scheduled Job implemented successfully
Job Error Mail To
When a scheduled job fails, Intellicus Kyvos Reporting can notify users about the failure. Specify email IDs where mails should be sent in case a schedule fails. Make use of comma or semi colon to separate two email IDs.
Syntax: JOB_ERROR_MAIL_TO=[email addresses separated by comma or semi colon](string)
Example: JOB,
Job Error Mail Subject
When a scheduled job fails, Intellicus Kyvos Reporting can notify users about the failure. Specify here subject that the mail should carry.
Example: JOB_ERROR_MAIL_SUBJECT=Scheduled job failed
SMTP Server
This property is to set Server IP address or domain name (as IP or URL) that should be used to mail the scheduled reports. All email communications such as notifications and report delivery is done by Intellicus Kyvos Reporting using this mail server.
SMTP Server Authentication Mode
To secure the exchange of emails, Intellicus Kyvos Reporting supports TLS authentication that is both credential-based or certificate-based. Select either DEFAULT or STARTTLS as the value of this property.
SMTP Authentication
Set this property to Enable if the server used to send mails from Intellicus Kyvos Reporting needs user authentication to send the mail. Set it to Disable if it doesn’t.
SMTP Server User
This property is to set the User ID for the SMTP Server. User needs to set a valid user if your SMTP server authenticates before sending mails.
Example: SMTP_SERVER_USER= blank
SMTP Server Password
This property is to set the password to be used for SMTP Server.
SMTP Server Certificate File Name
You may specify the path where TLS certificate is stored under SMTP Server Certificate File Name property along with credentials if the SMTP Server Authentication Mode is set to “STARTTLS”. This certificate is used for verifying the identity at the time of sending emails.
Example: SMTP_SERVER_CERT_FILE_NAME= D://tlscert.cer
Secondary SMTP Server
Intellicus Kyvos Reporting supports a secondary SMTP server that could act as a backup in case primary SMTP server is unavailable or email delivery fails for some reason. This property is to set Server IP address or domain name (as IP or URL) that should be used to mail the scheduled reports.
Secondary SMTP Server Authentication Mode
You need to specify the secondary SMTP server authentication mode as either “DEFAULT” or “STARTTLS”.
Secondary SMTP Authentication
Set this property to Enable if the secondary server used to send mails from Intellicus Kyvos Reporting needs user authentication to send the mail. Set it to Disable if it doesn’t.
Secondary SMTP Server User
You may specify the user name username for the secondary server in case Secondary SMTP Authentication is enabled.
Example: SECONDARY_SMTP_SERVER_USER=administrator
Secondary SMTP Server Password
You may specify the password for the secondary server in case Secondary SMTP Authentication is enabled.
Secondary SMTP Server Certificate File Name
You may specify the path where TLS certificate is stored under Secondary SMTP Server Certificate File Name property along with credentials if the Secondary SMTP Server Authentication Mode is set to “STARTTLS”. This certificate is used for verifying the identity at the time of sending emails.
Example: SMTP_SERVER_CERT_FILE_NAME= D://tlscert.cer
Scheduler Job History Purge Time (days)
This is the schedule job history purge time specified in days. Specify 0 to disable history purging.
Scheduler Pending Job Queue Size
This property sets the maximum number of scheduler jobs that can be queued. Specify a positive integer.
Scheduler Enabled
This is to enable/disable scheduler feature.