This property is used to enable or disable security features of Intellicusturns Kyvos Reporting’s security features on or off.
If it is set to enable, users will have to must provide their login using their username and password to work with IntellicusKyvos Reporting. They will be allowed to use only those features for which they have been provided the access rights.
If it is set to disable, all the features of Intellicus Kyvos Reporting will be available to everyone.
New The new value set for this property comes into effect after the server re-startrestart.
Default: enable
Panel | ||||||
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Note |
When security is disabled, all the user-dependent features, like data masking, will not be available. |
Note |
Warning |
Users can access any report when the Report Server |
runs in a Non-Secured Mode |
. |
Log Level
This property is to set sets the level of criticality to be considered for logging. Valid values are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. FATALFATAL, ERROR, and WARN are the levels recommended for production use. INFO and DEBUG are recommended only during trouble shootingtroubleshooting.
Default: ERROR
Click Log Files to view the server log files. You can choose to download or purge any / all log files appearing in the list for analysis. You can also view the server bootup log files.
Panel | ||||||
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Note |
When the log file size reaches 10 MB, the server renames it and starts logging in a new file. |
Deployment Type
This property configures whether the report server is running runs as a standalone or as part of a cluster. This enables load balancer communications and avoids multiple execution executions of scheduled reports in a clustered environment. This is a license-specific property.